Octatrack as an external efx in Ableton

Hey people!

How is it that my octatrack only gives audio from my Left main out when set up as an external effect in ableton? Anyone bumped into this issue?


  1. Have you configured Ableton and your sound card to accept two channels of audio from the OT?
  2. Have you configured Ableton and your sound card to send two channels of audio to the OT?
  3. How have you configured the OT mixer?
  4. How have you configured the Thru Machine on the track you’re using to apply the FX?
  5. Are you using a neighbour machine?
  6. Are you using Scenes?
  7. Are you doing FX by recording+Flex machines? How is your recording configured?
  8. Etc
  1. Do the cables work?

I always leave that last but really it’s first!


Also, the ordering I suggested could be simpler.

Start at the sound source (the Ableton track + device chain) and work your way out to the sound card, to the canle, to the OT, to all the OR steps, to the cable out of the OT, to the audio input, finally back to Ableton.

Abletonwise its all good as i have done similar things with other external gear. its the OT i am not familiar with. but thanks for those points now i can google something atleast. and check the fm :stuck_out_tongue: thanks a tonn <3

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