Octatrack automated sampling and replay on the fly?

Here’s another trick after all that makes sense.
If recording from the OTs inputs, you capture the loop from SRC A&B or B&C, you can also use SRC3 set to self, for overdubbing, with a lil gain staging to augment the volume/decay/feed or whatever is happening there.
Sounds cool aF that’s fer sure.

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@JuanSOLO said right.
Also, If the opener doesn’t want to use Rec Trig (or One Shot) he can also use the Track+Rec A/B/Midi buttons to record, at the time of pressing, with quantization on recording and playback (Inputs A/B or C/D or SRC3).
To start playback without being slaved to sequencer he can press corresponding Sample trig (I to P) or he can use the sequencer or he can use PlaysFree track to let the playback to use trigs on the sequencer activated by Track Trigs (A to H) using the preferred ways of triggering (ONE-ONE2-HOLD) with looping or not.
I always love my OT and I will never stop to grow my Love for her


Real talk

Yer getting me all :fire:for a bome box

Depends on Ot’s pattern length. It can 3 steps, or 48 steps if you want whole bars. Here is a calculator :


Thank you

I haven’t used it much so can’t say for sure, but I have a feeling the echo freeze delay with lock set to on for a delay buffer repeater in combination with delay control mode, would allow similar functionality to the video I watched of the roll sampler, for shorter loops…

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