Octatrack automated sampling and replay on the fly?

Automated Live sampling with automatic replay --like the roll sampler on DJM mixers
Any tips on how to set this up.

thanks in advance

dead easy, set rec trig, set playback trig and pattern speed ratio, arm quick recording and just let loose when you want it.

perhaps use the fader to scene vol it in and out


thanks got it working last night


hmm ---- any one got a template preset for automated sampling on the fly?
—there has got to be a better way to do it then stoping the sequencer once you get a loop you like and then pressing Rec Edit and save sample and renaming the default name and pressing enter.

I’ve been trying to get this down for the last 3-4 months I’ve had the OT. I have the same problem as you, but I’m pretty sure in order to be able to do as @J.m is saying you have to use a track that is loaded as “Recorder 1” for track one, “Recorder 2” for track 2 ect. If you watch the tutorials they all say to do this first when sampling, but after record onto the track once…and maybe decide you would like to sample something else, if you want to be able to replay automatically, you have to reset that track back to a recorder track? Not sure if I am making sense, but that is the best I can explain it. (please tell me if I’m wrong, because I’ve been struggling with this as well)
There is also a way of doing this using two scenes. Cenk made a tutorial on Bandcamp that you can buy, showing live sampling, using two scenes, where one iscene is recording a threw Machine and then then when he swtches the scene, that sample is set up as a flex on the same track, pre-sliced. Pretty cool idea. Here is that vid

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Just to add to my last post, if you watch this short tutorial made by Elektron, you notice that the narrator uses “Recorder 1” in Track one to record the through track (I think he calls it a Recorder Buffer). Hope this helps :smile: I also need to re-watch all of these tutorial video’s and read the manual more.

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Thanks for all the replies --lots of good thing stop learn !!!
There is a need for template generator app for OT that will allow you do this more easily.
The application should have presets to get you going --covering all the ideas above.

Many possibilities.
You don’t have to stop the sequencer.
If the Ot is synced, you can also rec on the fly and mangle Flex trig recordings like this :

  • One shot rec trigs, arm with Fn + Yes
  • Rec trigs on pattern 1, play trig recordings on pattern 2
  • Quick rec with Quantize Rec/Play
  • Pickup Machines, auto sync on first loop possibility
  • …
  • I’m on strike I forgot

As @sezare56 said, you don’t have to stop the sequencer to play back a sample.

I’ve accomplished this two ways, one with pickup machines, the other with flex machines.
As an aside, @thoughtstarZ, keep in mind the the track recorders are separate from the tracks.
*no matter how you have the 8 audio tracks configured the 8 track recorders are always available.

Load flex machines to tracks 1-4. Assign track recorder one to all four tracks. Now when track recorder one samples anything, that audio ends up in audio tracks 1-4.
Sample anything, just to fill the track recorder 1 buffer.
Now push track 2 select + Bank/Edit, and slice it to like 16; repeat this procedure for tracks 3&4, but change the order of the slices with random locks, or reverse playback or change the number of slices, whatever you want to experiment with.
Now sample something else into track recorder 1, and all of a sudden, it’s in all four tracks ready to manipulate the same just recorded sample with the settings you chose.

To automate this, put a 1-shot trig on the first step of track 1… Put regular playback trigs on the first step of tracks 1-4.

*EDIT: to get the Linear Locks or Random Locks working ( as expected ), you’ll have to put more than 1 playback trig on the track… try filling it with as many trigs as slices you chose.

Hit play on the sequencer.
You should hear the audio you sampled in to create the slice grids for tracks 2-4, along with the sample from track 1, playing back from the playback trigs.

NOW, sample something new into recorder buffer 1/track recorder 1 by hitting track select + Yes. This will arm the 1-shot trig so it samples ( refills record buffer 1 / track recorder 1 ) on the next pass;

the other 3 tracks will playback this audio however you specified.
Track 2 could be your machine gun sixteenths, track 3 could be the reverse of the sample…

Hopefully this helps.


@stonecoldgroove thanx so much man! i think i may finally be understanding this…just quick- so i load a recorder into a flex track, say “recorder 1” as you said. then when i record onto that recorder i can play it…i think what confuses me, is when i save that sample, it’s no longer a “recorder”…so after it is no longer a recorder, i have to use another track to load a flex track and “recorder 1”…or clear the sample and load a recorder…ok, yeah. that makes sense…sometimes i feel a bit slow at understanding concepts in the elektron does them, but then once i get over that hurdle, it all makes sense. thanx for that again

So, yeah all of my recorder slots had samples on them, so i’ve cleared all of them and they are back to recorders. i think i need to start saving files in a different way.

It’s still a recorder
Even after saving, you’re still playing the buffer.
Sample back into it, and the audio will change to reflect the new sample.

Instead of save and assign to self, assign to free flex.


Right and this is where your statement- " the track recorders are separate from the tracks.
*no matter how you have the 8 audio tracks configured the 8 track recorders are always available." comes in. The samples in the list with r1-r8 are separate. Yeah, ok. Even if there is a sample on it, if i record into it, the buffer will be replaced with what i sampled. Wow, you don’t eve know how much that helps.

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Um, just a quick question that you may know…If i am recording loop from my DT that is 3 steps long, with a trigger on the first step, how long will the loop have to be on the OT so that will loop correctly(until it repeats)? Is there a math equation polyrhythms?

I think what you’re asking for here is sort of possible, in a few different ways, kinda tricky though, and not as easy as the DJMs dedicated function.

I’m not 100% familiar with the “roll sampler but I think I know what your getting at.

Correct me if I’m wrong.
You want to sort of press a button at a point and the music starts looping at a specific interval, and then you can dial in that interval, usually done faster and faster to create a sort of DJ rise effect?

Hi the roll sampler on the DJM mixers are used to capture loops on the fly which are quantised to detected BPM of the incoming audio -----you just keep on pressing the big start button until you get a loop you like —you can then mix that captured loop via the crossfader with your other source.Advantage with the Octatrack is you can set RLEN to 64 and capture 4 bar loops vs Pioneer DJM 1 bar loops

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Ah ok, that’s easier for sure.
So when you are trying to “capture” a loop on the OT, is it already in sync with the OT?

yep in sync with the tempo you set on the Octatrack

So one method is something like this, going off memory, may get some terminology wrong.

First you need to make sure “quick record” is activated in the Personalize preferences. This enables pushing “yes” to activate arming your recorder trigs.

Second, set up a track with a flex machine, and assign it to a record buffer.
Pro tip, use the recorder buffer with the same number as the track.
Go into the rec setup menu 1.
Set SRC3 to CUE
RLEN to 64
Set a recorder trig on the one, func+trig (yellow flashing light)
Exit the rec set up menu, and go into grid rec mode (rec button), put a trig on the one (this is your playback trig)

Now any track you send to the CUE will be ready to go to this recording track.
When you press YES, it will arm the recorder trig and start recording on the one. When it’s done it will start to play back.

You can use Scenes to set volumes to switch between the the source tracks and the track with the recorder buffer.

That’s the basic idea, there’s a lot of variables to it.


What @JuanSOLO said.

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