Octatrack Black - Made in Poland?

I believe it differs by country. how they’re allowed to label something as being made there. that’s why you’ll see things like “designed in” or “assembled in” instead of just “made in.” or at least, that how I understand the US law to be. a certain percentage of the product has to be physically “made” there in order to be labeled as such.


… which undoubtedly then connects into import law, and taxes and tariffs, and where a company’s profits get reported, and …


Wait! What? I need to locate this factory. :smiley:

Maybe it’s in my town and they need a worker in the assembly room. I’m a little sick of working in front of a monitor, this would be a nice change. :wink:


Especially if a side benefit is taking home some of the product.


Thank you. Maybe the same question could be asked for the A4 and AR Black

My A4 black is “made in Sweden”.

By the way, they could just write “made in EU” and there would be no problem.


Also the AE?

Nah, probably made in Monaco :rofl:


Me neither! And I didn’t have the illusion that **everything ** had been hand knitted in Göteborg, nonetheless I thought of supporting Swedish economy and workers…

But we all know it’s more about inner values…
will know more once the unit shows the first weakness - my AK Made in Sweden has the display issue, so no guarantees anywhere :wink:


I know it’s not a big deal where the products actually are made (SSL 2/2+ and some of their mixers are made in China and it’s unbelievably great products) if it does not affect quality. But for me Elektron was more like a “family” company and part of their “mojo” was that their products were made in the same country as they engineered them. Like Moog. Like majority of eurorack modules. Now somebody tell me that all their PCB’s and other parts are made all around the world and I will totally loose my foolish romantic ideas :smile:

I bought a car from Poland… i sincerely hope Elektron made there is better quality and no one will notice that the PCB was not original.

Swedish product assembled in Poland with components made in China ?

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ok, now I understand why my brand new OT has wobbly screen)

If they work as hard in the Polish factories as the Polish guys I’ve worked with here in the UK do then I’m all for it.

Didn’t Soma set up a factory in Poland? Their stuff is about as good as it gets, at least in terms of build quality.


Perceptions are so interesting. At first, the new Octatrack seemed better because it was black. But now, the old grey Octatrack seems better because it was made in Sweden.


…tracker business…

…i’m surprised to learn this news…
but no worries…since polytracker, poland has a good call on handassembled trackers…
and ot concept is created full on based on tracker tradition in first place…

to keep elektron as a breathing and creative brand, as that small swedish company, u really need to keep an eye on balancing success…
growing in numbers without growing also too much in size at the same time must be challenging…
especially these days…

selling an anniversary cult machine special edition, selling just another facelift of that same old but bullet proofed concept, is…well…a no brainer…in marketing.

but if this great oppertunity also means to overstretch ur actual working resources, cause u got next new things to do, :wink:
then u can easily ask ur old even smaller friend company from da hood, if they could take that xtra assemble job in the meantime…
don’t know any unit counts for this batch of ot’s…but that’s one last batch…
outsourced and done at once and for all…in europe…either way.

lets be pleased for the good people of Poland…


I know right.

Like, “oh my god, I just found out my Octatrack was built in a well developed EU member state that has relatively decent labour laws and citizens with a reputation of being hard workers, I feel cheated…”


I think there’s a few more important things going on in the world right now… thats for sure. Id be more than happy with a Polish born Octatrack…


I’d love a polish octatrack


I really like polish style pickles. Ogórki Kiszone

Bet I’d love me an Ogórktatrack.