Octatrack Black - Made in Poland?

Apart from the fact that a Polish employee undoubtedly has less social security coverage in view of the salary, because Europe advocates inequalities, it is the company that subcontracts that gives its quality standards, and I do not really see not why a product made in poland would be inferior, no problem for me.
And I’m not saying that because my Elektron machines come from Sweden. :musical_keyboard:

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Has anyone done a sound quality comparison yet?


Yes, the Polish built one definitely sounds more Polish, whereas the Swedish built one sounds more Swedish.


Polish sounds like it is cheaper for Elektron, but not for us sadly.

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Mine, 2 weeks ago, “Made in Sweden” also.

I don’t know any facts about it but I guess ‘ made in Sweden ‘ does typically mean quality …

But overall I don’t mind except if it’s made under horrible oppressive conditions/ bad pay / sweat shop stuff. … I do have apple things but I also realise they’re an easy target.
I don’t buy from boohoo either but it’s because their clothes are basic , generic , worn by ‘the normal people ‘.being made in sweat shops doesn’t help.

You meant sounds more polished? :rofl:


I haven’t read the whole post, but I have a thesis…

Could it be that they ship manufacturing of products that are at their end of life to Eastern Europe?

So are we seeing the end of OT and in its wake a new flagship… a sampler maybe? A sampler/synthesizer hybrid?

I guess you could call it an analogdigirytmtaktheatfourcycletonesampleajig?


That’s it Rusty!

The OctaAnalogDigiMonoMachineDrum4.

I’d probably want one.

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My Model Cycle is from Estonia, bought in March 2020

My guess is that they keep their flagship products manufactured in Gothenburg and the rest in Eastern Europe… so switching the Octatrack from Sweden to Poland might be a move to make way for new flagship products. You need free space to do trial runs…

That’s my hot take though.

I don’t know why we’re not polishing Octatracks right now!


Hasselblad. Volvo. ABBA. Elektron. :grinning:

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Maybe they cannot cope with the high demand of Octatrack or other devices so they outsource to facilities in different countries… normal process… and I like they still produce in Europe and not China

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The black edition is still my favorite color, so Cześć OT! (Google translate).


You noticed they did not outsource in Switzerland or Finland. The minim wage in Poland is 650€. I doubt they did choose Poland for « saving space » more than saving money.

A lot of companies which ran away to China in the late 90’s are coming back to Europe after last year. The middle class is growing more and more in China and China seems to aim to be more than a workers factory from now on.
Anyways, any factory has a quality control service which relies on the standard established by the mother company.

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I think they make way for newer products coming up i the pipe… I know the tier one suppliers in the automotive industry does that… an end of life product get relegated basically to make way for new stuff…

Someone in this thread mentioned that they had a MNM made in Poland, I’ll bet you He ordered it right before they stopped making it.

Edit: I worked for a tier one automotive supplier in Sweden and we had factories in Poland and Slovakia and this type of thing happened a lot.


I have the poland OT and the build quality is top same as the sweden DT. I also have some gear made in china with very good quality, and some made in france totally garbage.
It’s not the country which make the quality but the factory.
Thanks to Poland to build this amazing piece of gear !


In any case, “Made in Poland” is better than “Made in China”. IMHO :upside_down_face: