Octatrack Black - Made in Poland?

Just to iterate on the quality side… I doubt Elektron would allow anything less then top quality… so I wouldn’t be afraid of poor quality!


Kind of odd to see this kind of prejudice towards Poland.


My children are constructed from Polish and British parts but were both made in China.

They both seem to be functioning pretty well right now…in Poland :wink:


I would be interested in a elektron talk with an elektron worker in poland. Thoughts , philosophies, hobbies.
Also with a raw materials worker in South africa or Bolivia and an oled-screen producer in China.(really, not meant as a joke or provocation)

Also want to visit the freetek scene in poland
sometime i hope. Not ideal i can‘t drive.

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Yeah, and all of a sudden I can CLEARLY hear that “OT sound”

I suspect they’re not employed for Elektron. I mean, there’s one or two employees there to oversee the manufacturing process, but the assembly and or production is probably outsourced. Elektron might get their own factory one day when they’re as big as Behringer, hah.

Ok thanks, interesting. Still would be interested in a interview with a employed or outsourced worker that uses his hands to produce the product that we touch so often.
I visited cacao and coffee harvesters in Peru and Colombia. Interesting people with a nice job.

Whoa weird, my grey OT MKII says “Made in Polyend” on the sticker?!



Nothing against Poland —but why do they still charge a price as if it was Made in Sweden?

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To increase profit margin and achieve shorter unit breakeven thresholds.

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Why would you think the price is only dictated by where it was manufactured?


That was my thought too, it is after all the same product.

I mean what has changed?
It’s still the same product you’re purchasing…

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As someone posted here, Elektron made a loss in 2019, so you could argue they have been undercharging. They need a route to profitability, and reducing manufacturing costs (while maintaining QC) is likely to be part of that. Though it may not be cheaper, of course, that’s an assumption. It could also be to free up capacity in Sweden for new products.


I’d say the biggest reason why they’re making a loss was the fact that they released two new devices recently and had to market them very aggressively. Educated guess, I don’t really know anything.

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Could be a bunch of stuff. Additional Overbridge development spend, R&D for the new Model form factor, etc etc

Yeah, for sure.

From the Elektronauts new page:

Demand for the black Octatrack MKII has been very high. If it’s currently shown as out of stock, please check back in later as we will continuously replenish stock.

So I guess the (main) reason is that the demand for the black MK2 is higher than the capacity in Sweden. The same went for the Model Cycles a while ago.

I’d say the biggest reason they’re making a loss is because they chose to make less functional, cheaper boxes instead of pushing innovation, and creating new flagship models capable of more. Just rereleasing everything as black isn’t innovative.