Octatrack Chromatic Midi Notes Latching Bug?

I’m having this issue with my Octatrack MK2 1.40A, and I’ve searched but this is the only other instance I can find on the forum, but it’s from 2021. Any updates?

Update 03/15/2023: Elektron is aware of the issue and hope to have it fixed in next update.

That’s me. It’s quite a deep bug and I could get it behaving a lot worse but not much interest out there and I needed to get back to making music. Now I just work around it (and sometimes I work with it - latching effect can be useful .,.)

Alright, thanks for the update. I guess I’ll start a support ticket with Elektron.

Some more detail here

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Updated to 1.40B and issue still exists. Support ticket submitted.

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