Octatrack: Conditional Recording, Audio Arpeggiation [video]

This tutorial explores the use of conditional/probabilistic re-sampling techniques, and the use of the Octatrack arpeggiator to control the audio tracks. The conditional re-sampling technique inspired my recent track ‘Transient Spaces’, and a basic track breakdown is demonstrated

6:58 - conditional re-sampling with percussive source
11:02 - arpeggiator to control audio tracks
17:06 - arpeggiator ‘gotcha’
17:36 - conditional re-sampling of arpeggiation
19:31 - Transient Spaces track breakdown


Thankyou. As a new owner of the OT i really appreciate these tutorials.

thanks! this one was tough to define scope for - MIDI loopback lets you make all sorts of confusing messes. Conditional recording implementation is pretty clean, but the arp can make things get screwy real fast if you’re not careful :slight_smile:

Thanks, clear tutorial. New ways to explore my OT!

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thanks!! I used both of these techniques to finish out another track I had been sitting on, was a very helpful composition tool :slight_smile: