Octatrack Crossfader

Octatrack is the only gear I am dreaming to have someday. It was just love at the first sight, even though I have never seen it in real life. The design, buttons, screen looks so god damn good I want to lick it. But yeah, the crossfader… I don’t know how many times I tried to imagine it under my fingers. If you dj before you know the feeling when you blast the low eq in a drop, or maybe hitting the volume level to the highest so hard it hits its limit. These are crazy good feelings. But the octatrack crossfader? Is it the ultimate feeling? Sometimes I see it in my dreams, pushing it right to give it an amazing decay/reverb and hitting it like a spank to beautiful juicy as* to the A side. Man I wish, one day. So how does it really feel to use it?


In terms of tactility, it’s light and clicky. Not so sensuous as you might be craving. But the immediacy of control and creative potential is intoxicating…


It feels wonderful. Home sick so been moving it many times today. Its very important to me.

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…it’s an optical one…so, there’s pretty much no real mechanical tracktion…

it klacks nice whenever u reach one side of it’s both ends if u whiggle it fast enough…

but if ur used to some standard dj mixer ones, it feels a bit too light at first…

and hey, if u even start imaginary love posts about it, it might be time to finally stop dreaming and get one for real…a mk1, the original one, is easy to find for around 600 bux…
which will change fast, once they get not produced anymore…and that day is on it’s way…


are they still producing the mk1 I’m surprised to hear that?

oh yeah and … put the crossfader on the left next time Elektron pretty please

…nope…but mk1’s and mk2’s are still pretty much the very same thing…
especially when it comes to the fader… :wink:

while still, many prefer the old ones…and many others, like all the later versions…
a classic same same but different thing, i suppose…

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if the crossfader was on the left I’d have an mk2 right now… just can’t take it anymore, ableton crossfader on the right, the force fader on the right, mpcs q-links on the right, :nauseated_face:, I just can’t go there again

Unfortunately I live in Turkey, here there is only one octatrack mk1 in second hand selling its price is same with the octa mk2. Because of the economic crises we are going through it makes it hard to afford it for me. But I am going there slowly, patiently :slight_smile: thank you for the support. I am currently enjoying Model Cycles. But mate that goddam crossfader is haunting me.


God damn that’s a pretty fucking good crossfader! :laughing:

$5 shake



I really like the crossfader. It’s not like an innofader or standard mixer fader. it’s smooth and glides rather than clicks and snaps.

No problem cutting back and forth though couldn’t do cuts as rapid as a normal fader.

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Hhahahaa good one :joy:

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Everyday, before i leave the house for work, i touch the fader, affectionately, lovingly. Sometimes i move it a little, just to feel it.


It’s dreamy…

I’ve only had it a month and just started diving into the more deeper things you can do with it, or at least my imagination can think of things to do with it instead of just delay and some low pass (which never gets old)

This was a cool discovery. I added a comb filter to a cello and adjusted it to the fundamental pitch I noticed that the tune parameter bent the sound in this nice slow way, that’s when I thought aha slide guitar crossfader! Anyway here’s my attempt to video it. Hope it makes sense


You can also try a slow free lfo on Comb Tune, add secondary Comb with opposite feedback, octave up or down (brings interesting harmonics).


Nice! Will try that too, there’s a lot more than meets the eye to that effect.

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This filter is so wonderful :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: … I was enchanted … but look at what it does, good compliments.

if I may but what does it mean: “I’ve only had it a month?” Don’t have OT anymore?

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Welcome to the forum!
I believe they are saying that they are a new user of the Octatrack and have only had it in their possession for about 30 days, so it still feels very new and magical to them.