Octatrack don't let pass sysex control :(

Hi all,

In my configuration, I have several midi in to control the octa, but also to control other synths.
The Octatrack controls several synths via the midi out.

Let’s say I have a jx-8p, the Octa can sequence it.
My iPad goes into the Octatrack’s midi in. From the iPad, I can play jx-8p’s notes, but I can’t manage to control the synth (via sysex).

In standalone, the app on the iPad controls very well the jx-8p, but once plugged into the Octa’s midi in, I just can play notes from the Jx-8p and not control its parameters anymore :frowning:

I’ve checked in the Octa’s configuration menu, but there’s nothing helpful here.

Any idea ? Octa’s update needed ?


To my knowledge the OT works with midi, not sysex.

It’s a totally different stream of information, unlucky, just bypass the OT if you need the sysex, which it sounds like you do unfortunately.

ipad >> midi interface >> octa >> synths.

I can’t have two midi in per synths. That’s why I need the Octa to let pass the sysex, like all sequencers. Here it acts like Ableton Live and doesn’t let pass the sysex.

Really bad :frowning:

Not many sequencers pass their MIDI input directly to their output, but the SysEx messages that you are sending from the iPad would appear at the OT’s MIDI Thru port. If are willing to switch between inputs to the JX-8P manually or to put a MIDI merge box at the JX-8P’s MIDI In, you would be able to have what you want.

I know, I’d need a midi merger for the 8p, but also one for the 3p… and I can’t pass via the midi thru cause I need to sequence them with the octa, so midi out is needed.

I meant that you could merge the signals from the OT’s MIDI Thru and MIDI Out, but if your requirements are more sophisticated then you would get great use from a MIDI patchbay.

You can’t expect Midi info appearing at the In to appear at the Out, at best if you are programming via In and the result is captured, (like note gel etc) then that will be captured and sent to Out - but there’s zero chance that sysex (or any midi that is not used by OT) will be captured into the sequencer
Unlike Peter, i’ve never heard of a synth/gear which sends In to Out (some devices can select between Thru and Out) - but that connection is not part of the midi spec - so you need a merge as peter suggested, no update is gonna change this


You can’t expect Midi info appearing at the In to appear at the Out, at best if you are programming via In and the result is captured, (like note gel etc) then that will be captured and sent to Out - but there’s zero chance that sysex (or any midi that is not used by OT) will be captured into the sequencer
Unlike Peter, i’ve never heard of a synth/gear which sends In to Out (some devices can select between Thru and Out) - but that connection is not part of the midi spec - so you need a merge as peter suggested, no update is gonna change this[/quote]

Parenthetically …

Many sequencers will forward signals from their MIDI In to MIDI Out. Sequentix Cirklon has a ‘Soft Thru’ function to do just that. A stock Akai MPC2500 will merge signals from its two MIDI In ports and route them to all, any one, or pairs of its four MIDI Out ports. The MPC2500 also allows SysEx messages to be recorded and edited. Presumably some other MPCs are similar. I think the old Yamaha hardware sequencers have similar capabilities. Edit: yes, RM1x, RS7000 do.

The Octatrack was conceived to be a bit more like a sampler with an integrated sequencer than a standalone sequencer, so it’s understandable that it doesn’t have some of these MIDI routing capabilities.

thanks for the background info Peter - so it seems that some manufacturers are offering a soft option for some desirable routing flexibility - it maybe gives hope to certain workarounds (that could otherwise be achieved with auxiliary gear, so why should elektron break sweat, one might wonder) but i think that some constraints are present based on other considerations - like the separation of usb and din midi which throws some elektron users
either way, it’s not in elektron’s interest to change anything here - they will want the midi throughput kept nice and clear for their own timing and sequencing stability, doing more (when not strictly necessary) will only compromise that performance i’d suggest
merges and thrus are handy to have around and offer improvements over chaining anyway

Ok, thanks guys. I’ll have to buy two midi mergers :frowning:

I don’t know the exact details of your set-up and I’ve never used a JX-8P or JX-3P, but I believe that they both have MIDI Thru so you might consider chaining one from the other after a single MIDI merger. And a reasonable old MIDI patchbay might be as cheap and certainly more flexible than two MIDI mergers.

there are quite a few similar threads on this

afaik it does let sysex pass through, i send it to shruthi and mopho…

the op is wanting to have it come out the Out, you’re talking about the Thru which is exactly what it should do for any midi gear (ie pass In to Thru although filtering may well be possible)

no i’m talking about the OUT. you can’t sequence it sysex but you can route it via the OT. i sequence notes / etc from ot and use controller app that is sysex based for some things.

at least i think, ill double check when i get home.

i definitely don’t use thru though

hey i would like to apologize…

i looked closer at the controller app i was referring to, and it is using nrpn not sysex for those extra things.

right, you can’t let sysex pass through the output.

sorry to be such an ass lol

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