Octatrack & Eurorack Levels

I’d like to know if I can go directly with eurorack levels into Octatrack (and reduce there in the mixer page the gain in…), or should I get an output module on the spaghetti synth side before going into Octatrack?

Thank you very much

In my limited experience eurorack levels have been too hot coming into octatrack, recommend some kind of output module or you could go for an attenuator/mixer module that may give you more flexibility in setting levels to the OT

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Thank you!

Yep, even with reducing the input gain in the OT to the min, the signal was very distorted, at least get an HPO.

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Octatrack MK2 can… the inputs are different from MK1


I used to put Modular gear through an Octatrack (MK2) and, although the OT seemed capable of handling it, I preferred attenuating the signal before the OT, as it made gain staging everything a bit less of a ballache.


Thank you all!

Hi all :slight_smile:
Late to the party and reviving an old thread as I am taking my first steps with OT Mk2 and modular.
I am using a basic mixer for my 4 voices but would like to save some room in my rack.
Also have the option to sample my modular using the OT inputs.
I understand modular levels are hot but can I bypass my modular mixer (4ms Listen4) and go straight into OT?

Sure - just turn the input gain down :slight_smile: As long as your receiving device has negative attenuation Euro levels are never an issue.

It’s only really a problem going the other way, i.e. if you were running your OT into your Euro, as you’d need to amplify the signal.

I use the line-in/out I/O of my case which simplifies things slightly. But I run my Euro into my Digitone, which then hits my OT. My OT then heads back into the Eurorack for my end of chain (it’s less weird than it sounds I promise).

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Either buy them (that’s a solid price) or sacrifice some of your own patch cables and make something similar yourself with about 20 cents worth of resistors and some shrink tube.


@natehorn thanks for your help :pray:
I suppose it does not matter whether using a thru track or going with the OT mixer only?
@Supercolor_T-120 I am that bad at soldering that I would rather buy the attenuator cable :slight_smile:

Shouldn’t matter, the key is attenuating the input gain, and not somewhere later in the gainstaging maze that is the OT :slight_smile:

Turning down the input gain should be functionally identical to using an attenuator cable - I’d see that as an unneccessary extra step personally.

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OK :slight_smile:
Thanks for confirming.
I suppose if I was to use THRU tracks I could simply attenuate the THRU track input level itself.

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Turn the gain into negative value on the mixer page until the input leds are yellow/green and you’re all set


Depending on what you’re outputing from your Euro you might not even find you have to attenuate it much. It’s 10vpp but some of my voices aren’t anywhere near that loud. My m303 and SWN don’t hit those levels without some effort, probably closer to +7db, which is only a few db’s over a balanced input.

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I am actually using a mix of stereo and mono signals coming from modular so I would have no choice but to attenuate some other way.

I am using a Michigan Synths SY0.5 (mono), an Osiris (Sub in mono and mix in stereo if using it thru Desmodus Versio) and a Manis Iterita (mono if not going through Desmodus Versio).

If you’re using individual Thru tracks then you’ll be able to set the gain directly on those tracks - you’ve made me wonder though what happens on the Mixer screen if you have your A and B (or C and D) channels set to different levels - will it attenuate them both relatively or change them both so that they’re the same? :thinking:

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I believe it would affect each THRU track relatively

Do you mean through each THRU track VOL parameter?

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