Octatrack - Midi Control Centre (so very close, lil help needed)

Hi guys,

Just got my OT last week.

Loving learning it, pretty much understood everything so far, and have figured out how to control my Virus TI as multi synth, and sequence 8 midi tracks of seperate voices on the Virus - amazing that the OT can do that!

The final hurdle I keep falling at is as follows:

I’ve followed the ‘Octatrack as a midi control centre’ section in the manual to the exact letter, however try as I might, I cannot get the sequencer to play back knob movements (twisted on the Virus itself) to record in the sequencer.

I’ve made sure to activate midi learn mode so that I can teach the OT which parameter I would like to lock/record and when I turn the knob (in this case the release of the AMP in the virus) the midi learn function successfully learns the correct CC value.

However when I go into live recording and turn the knob it doesn’t get recorded into the sequencer?

One thing to note it that all day I have been mucking around with settings, to try and iron out and stop the Virus keyboard starting and stopping the sequencer and changing which track is armed etc, so as a result I’m sure it’s just one switch somewhere in the OT’s extensive menus that I need to activate - however I can’t find it!!

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I suck at midi and I’m probably wrong, but I thought the midi learn function was there so that you could teach the OT the Cc and then assign/use the OT knobs to record automation? Not use the knobs on the Virus… I’m not 100% tho.

I suck at midi and I’m probably wrong, but I thought the midi learn function was there so that you could teach the OT the Cc and then assign/use the OT knobs to record automation? Not use the knobs on the Virus… I’m not 100% tho. [/quote]

dave_angel is referring to the section ‘Octatrack as a MIDI control center’ in the ‘Octatrack setup examples’ chapter of the manual, in which a synth has a bi-directional MIDI connection with the OT.

Let’s start by checking which MIDI channels you have set for the OT’s MIDI sequencer tracks and which MIDI channels you have set for the Virus. Also, what MIDI channels have you set for the OT’s audio tracks and its AUTO channel?

Let’s start by checking which MIDI channels you have set for the OT’s MIDI sequencer tracks and which MIDI channels you have set for the Virus. Also, what MIDI channels have you set for the OT’s audio tracks and its AUTO channel?[/quote]
Hi Peter Hanes,

Thanks for your response.

I have the OT’s midi sequencer channels set as 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (just using 7 midi sequencer channels) and I have channel 16 set as the auto channel in the Midi channels menu. 1-8 midi channels I’ve left reserved for the OT’s Audio channels.

On the Virus I’ve turned local off, and have made sure that part 16 is turned off, so that it can exclusively be used for sending cc + note midi data.

Part 9 (parts in Virus are individual single sounds) is assigned to midi channel 9 - and the OT is playing the midi data, within the relevant midi sequencer channel (channel 1 in this case), and I am also able to hold a trig and then press a chord on the virus, and it will correctly lock the note data.

Just can’t get the parameters to record from Virus > OT sequencer locks

Let’s start by checking which MIDI channels you have set for the OT’s MIDI sequencer tracks and which MIDI channels you have set for the Virus. Also, what MIDI channels have you set for the OT’s audio tracks and its AUTO channel?[/quote]

I have the OT’s midi sequencer channels set as 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (just using 7 midi sequencer channels) and I have channel 16 set as the auto channel in the Midi channels menu. 1-8 midi channels I’ve left reserved for the OT’s Audio channels.

On the Virus I’ve turned local off, and have made sure that part 16 is turned off, so that it can exclusively be used for sending cc + note midi data.

Part 9 (parts in Virus are individual single sounds) is assigned to midi channel 9 - and the OT is playing the midi data, within the relevant midi sequencer channel (channel 1 in this case), and I am also able to hold a trig and then press a chord on the virus, and it will correctly lock the note data.

This sounds OK so far.

Check that Virus MIDI out goes to OT MIDI In, and that OT MIDI Out goes to Virus MIDI In. Check that both cables are OK.

I have to assume that the Virus is actually sending MIDI CC messages on channel 16: you (or another Virus owner reading this thread) need to check that.
Back to the OT:

With the OT to MIDI sequencer mode. It should now, in theory, be ready for live recording of knob tweaks.

Good luck.

Hello Dave,
I made a tutorial on MIDI Learn a while ago. Not sure if you have seen it already but it might help you. I use a Virus TI with OT constantly, a fantastic Combo and great with MIDI automations.
Hope it helps!


Thanks again, Peter Hanes and Multiman for your advice will try this all out now. Determined to get it working!

Will report back.

Thanks Multiman - 3:40 in your video is the process I hadn’t done, and solved it!

Do you guys know if it is possible to swing the Arp on any of the Midi sequencer tracks?

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