Octatrack MK2 Fader Issue 1.30C [resolved]

Can someone that has an Octatrack MK2 test something out for me? I’m trying to figure out if I have an issue with my fader calibration. If I set up a basic loop on a flex machine and set scene B to -64 rate and then have scene A muted what happens on my machine is that I can fade over to B and the loop reverses but the moment that I fade over to A the loop plays back at a slightly slower rate going out of sync with the track. If I then mute B with the fader all the way to the left (A position) the loop goes right back to correct rate.

I thought this might be a calibration issue and rebooted in test mode and tried the function B thing to reset the fader, which seemed to work but the issue came back after use. Might be hardware issue, but wanted to see if anyone else had the same issue. Thanks!

Update: Managed to fix it again but it seems like it’s sticking this time. Test mode and then fader to the left function A?, fader to the right function B. Did the trick… for now.

Did you solve it? I have the same issue…how do you exactly calibrate it? Press FUNC + B? FUNC + A? move the fader at the same time? I’ve read several posts but still not clear. Thanks

I ended up returning it. Was a hardware failure. New Octa had no problems. There is a calibration routine which I can’t remember off hand but it didn’t solve the issue. Good luck hope you get it sorted.