Octatrack MKII Anniversary Edition

I’m looking for a better version of myself…:content:


Don’t look any further. It’s hidden in the future.

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Just woke up and saw all the news. They are already all sold out… Why they have to make it sooo limited?

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New firmware released?

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here i post some my thought about limited 350unit of black octa,it should be more mk1 element than mk2,that is anniversary vintage limited edition should be,and after limited sold out,the selling of new black octa mk2 will begin,that make limited edtion more or less not so special compare to normal unit,think about it please,elektron!

Maybe the regular black ones will have different coloured buttons or something?

Looks beautiful. I still use the MK-I not sure if I have to make me a Christmas gift. But I fear my wife would kill me if I buy another instrument this year… :rofl:

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Just woke up to the news and it’s already sold out. Wtf?


And there it is! Triiiiiig previeeeew :raised_hands:


Great Elektron, thanks!!!

And tempo Per pattern too :heart_eyes:


very cool to get updates 9.5 years after buying my OT!
Parameter randomization! :+1:t2:


good one :+1:, what a surprise!

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One of the best parts from rom the release notes:

[MKII] Greatly improved the LED intensity differences on CARD STATUS LED and PAGE LEDs.



So if this was a test balloon to show Elektron if there is a market for a new Octatrack the answer was YES! :laughing:

At least a new firmware after 9.5 years is a sign that they have not given up the Octatrack. Some people told me here that the developer of the Octatrack has left Elektron, but the rest of the team seems to know how to continue to develop this outstanding piece of Equipment. So maybe they also find a way to give us a new Octatrack in the future or at least to continue the development.


I suppose this all depends on your definition of ‘outdated’ and ‘awkward’, haha!

Sure, (much) higher res screens exist, but for me, the OT’s screens performs its function without issue, so I don’t find it to be problematic (I even kind of like its charming clunky rendering). And while learning to get around the OT obviously takes a lot more time than many pieces of gear, once you’re used to it, I find it insanely fast — so there’s very little awkwardness in that department for me.

Having said that, experiences like this are highly personal, so I’m not saying you’re wrong! I just think it’s too common to call products ‘outdated’, when what’s often the case is that product is incompatible with how a person thinks or works, or with their intentions — which I think is a much more useful statement! :slight_smile:


[OS update] ELEKTRON :+1:t6:

I would still love to get MIDI to send retrig…on all boxes.
[well…the tracker does it :grimacing: [Roll]]

I did it :flushed:

:crazy_face: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :shushing_face: :smiley:


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