Octatrack MKII Anniversary Edition

No. 199 here! Looks great next to the other black boxes!


Did you notice any visible differences or improvements besides the color?

This one is still available in the UK/EU. Itā€™s a bit more expensive than it should be, but if anyoneā€™s still chasing it, this might be one of the last ones. I damn near pulled the trigger myself on credit haha :sweat_smile:


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Thatā€™s expensive but wish I had the funds to grab it

yes very expensive

Most Uk retailers had it for 1299

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Should have at least made it in the wedge shaped format like A4/AR for that price lol


I have a funny feeling that after Christmas there will be some more units appearing here and there.

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Yeah Iā€™m waiting on serial number 351 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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If its the last one in the world then an extra Ā£100 in the grand scheme of things is a cheap markup. Do it, you wont regret it, and can sell it for what you paid for it if you need to, even after a year. :slight_smile:

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I think the less you pay it and more chances you have it to resell it and repay fully your investment.

In 2 years time it might hard to sell an OT at Ā£1500ā€¦

Technology move forward, there will be something new that will replace it.

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Canā€™t agree more !
Looks like itā€™s gonna be hard to get it later or at costā€¦

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Theyā€™ve been saying that though about the OT for years. It will never outdate :slight_smile:


Something will replace the OT ? How dare you !

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Well for nowā€¦but everything gets obsolete specially digital gear

I think thereā€™s a couple of aspects to consider here. First and foremost, OT will remain relevant for many musicians probably for decades to come. New shiny will never replace muscle memory and familiarity. Also, many new users will discover Octaland.

However, as regards monetary value, OT mk1s already go for around 600ā‚¬, mk2s (even black ones eventually) will also come down in price (already seen several grey mk2s for 850ā‚¬ in Finland). Both crazy good value for money.

Lastly, itā€™s anyoneā€™s guess what the OT AE will cost ten years from now. Raise your hand if you were able to predict what was going to happen to Monomachines and Machinedrums since they were discontinued in 2016? Actually, they only skyrocketed around mid-2019. If we think about for example records that have been (very) limited editions in the first place, not all of them have become highly-coveted items. Thatā€™s why I wouldnā€™t bet all my money on OT AE doubling or tripling its value over the years.


I agree in principle, but then look at MDUW and MnM both often go now for more than new price. It is because of their uniqueness.

I think OT is sufficiently unique that if you have to have those features there is no other option, sure if you just want a sampling sequencer the world is your oyster, but after all ā€œweā€™re not talking about a simple looping deviceā€ :laughing:

Even though that tagline was about MDUW, the point still stands.


ā€œMore than a samplerā€ is what the box says. :slight_smile:


I should also add that I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever want to be without an OT now (had one since first batch) so personally I donā€™t really care too much about monetary value, instruments are not financial investments for me but creative investments, which once you find the right ones are priceless.


The OT also has a special sound character, which is different to all other devices Iā€™m aware of. People will probably be calling this sound a nice oldschool lofi sound. Now we often switch off time stretch, but we might be switching it on just for that 2010 soundā€¦ like always, some will like, some wonā€˜t, as with 909 drums.

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