Octatrack MKII Gate Pattern Change like MachineDrum

OK so I did that testing already. It does respond to the Midi Stop command. I was mistaken.

What it does not respond to is the setting #4 Note Off. I have to use the Note On with Velocity 0 (Note Off).

So how would I rewrite your script to work with that?

My thoughts were to use the Y Variable to make Velocity 1-127 a Note On, and then Velocity 0 trigger the Stop.

Right now the code is playing the patterns and stopping fine with a single key. When I press and hold the first key the pattern plays, and while holding down the first key, pressing a second key starts the second pattern, but when I let go of the first key the second pattern stops. So I have to fully let go of each key before I press another or I get a stop interruption.

On the MD the pattern switches and holds on the pattern of the last/current pressed key, regardless of the incoming note off of the prior key release. It only stops when there are no keys being held. My guess is that the MD is waiting for the last incoming Note On #'s Note Off.

Can you confirm if you have this action with your script?

I take that back. Everything is working but the Stop. Lol The stop does not take place at all with this script on the OT MKII.

EDIT: This script IS working perfectly.

Try to edit Setting 4 replacing Note Off by Note On, Variable 1, Velocity 0

Yes, doing that creates the stop. However, it does not use the Variable 1 argument in a way that allows for the last key pressed Note Off. It actually responds to any last Note off, Thus creating a stop from the last pattern key lifted, even though a new pattern key is already pressed.

Could you post this script ?
What is your keyboard ? It doesn’t send Note Off but Note On Vel 0 ?

Waldorf Q

PATTERN-GATE setting 4 revised.rtf (1.5 KB)

Ok, your script IS WORKING.

It is a problem with the Q evidently.

I plugged in the OB6 with your script and it functions perfectly.

By the way. This is AMAZING!

I wonder if there is a work around for the Q as I use it as a Master Keyboard. I would not have thought of that.

:thup: :wine_glass: :champagne: :beers:

Waldorf Q
Note On and Note Off Messages
The Q sends and receives Note On and Note Off Messages in the entire MIDI Note Number range
with Velocity and Release Velocity. Note On with Velocity 0 (simple note off) is evaluated as Note
Off with Release Velocity 64.

Release velocity is maybe faulty. Have to filter that one maybe…
Check with midi monitoring…:wink:

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I did some work on the script to support using the Waldorf Q as a master keyboard. Because the Q sends Note-off messages as a Note-On with a velocity of 0, I had to change the Note-off to Stop command to Note-on with a velocity of 0 to Stop. In order for this to work I had to filter out all of the “0” velocities for the other Note-on events in the other steps.


I have the script setup to place 21 patterns A01 - B05 to the far right of the keyboard. I have restricted the pattern play response to only those 21 keys. This allows for me to play the 8 sample pads from the far left of the keyboard (which is the default mapping on the Octatrack MKII), and I can play them while patterns are playing as well.

I have two Machinedrums mapped to the other 32 keys since mapping is easily changed on the Machinedrum (Note: I am using seperate midi channels for the Machinedrum boxes). I have one of those Machinedrums controlling 2 external drum modules, which to me is one of the best features of the MachineDrum, as it can become the link between your keyboard and any midi drum module.

So that is 40 separate sounds with 21 patterns. All 21 patterns are mapped to the 3 Elektron boxes, and they all play with the Gate feature. This makes for a real nice way to create drum tracks since you can record into the patterns right from the keyboard, or strait to midi tracks in a DAW.

This setup can also run through the MPC 2.0 software plugin for a quick way to record playing of midi parts or patterns, the quick [undo] feature in MPC is nice, as is the note repeat function.

This is a look at how I am setting up the script. I have been able to more or less copy the Machinedrum mapping ability with it by pushing things around. I still have some fine tuning to do, but I have tested this and it is working great. I am in drum machine heaven now. :slight_smile:


F0 00 00 50 29 02 00 00 02 4B 60 01 03 01 7F 02 02 00 14 F7
9F 00 00
CF 00
{ Setting #1: Map Note-On #75 - 96 events of velocities 1 - 127 on MIDI channel 16 to Program Change events on MIDI channel 16, with the incoming Note number mapped to the outgoing Program Change number scaled to the range 0 - 20. Continue to process settings (right-click to edit) }

F0 00 00 50 29 02 01 00 02 4C 60 01 03 01 7F 03 03 01 7F F7
9F 00 00
9F 23 00
{ Setting #2: Map Note-On #76 - 96 events of velocities 1 - 127 on MIDI channel 16 to Note-On #35 events on MIDI channel 16, with the incoming velocity mapped to the outgoing velocity value. Continue to process settings (right-click to edit) }

F0 00 00 50 29 07 02 00 02 4B 60 01 03 01 7F 02 00 4B 60 F7
9F 00 00
{ Setting #3: With incoming Note-On #75 - 96 events of velocities 1 - 127 on MIDI channel 16, store the Note number in “variable 1”. Continue to process settings (right-click to edit) }

F0 00 00 50 29 02 03 10 02 00 00 F7
9F 00 00
{ Setting #4: Map Note-On events matching the note number in “variable 1” of velocity 0 on MIDI channel 16 to MIDI Stop events. Continue to process settings (right-click to edit) }

F0 00 00 50 29 01 04 00 02 2C 4C 01 03 00 7F F7
9F 00 00
{ Setting #5: Filter Note-On #44 - 76 events on MIDI channel 16. Continue to process settings (right-click to edit) }

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Could we hear the result ? :slight_smile:

I will get right on that, just as soon as the work week is over.