Octatrack MKII info

Same! Patience is not one of my virtues tho :slight_smile:

Guess you were right or did anyone see a black one yet?

lol sign me up! the shirt will only cost €90 but probably a good investment

Saving up for an OT, black and the grey both look cool af!

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Will it ship next week?

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where can you buy these?
I’d love it it you could just buy the three red rec buttons, but this aint going to happen I assume.
using the digitone ones might be a workaround.

Hefty premium for a few small changes!

Looking at that link from the UK, it’s only about £70-80 more than when it was brand new. There were people out there in the first wave of carnage trying to get a grand or more on top!

Hey guys. I have a simple question. AE and MK2 black are basically the same units? What are the differences?

No difference

So apart from the graphics and 3 red knobs etc… you get the same shell material, and the same led light spec. and such?

There were some new samples on the CF card, otherwise the same.


Thats the way I understood it.
There only minor differences between the MKI and MKII

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No, OT Æ samples are protected by a license that prevent redistribution.
Sharing such material is illegal and is definitely inacceptable here.
Same goes for any soundpack for which you don’t have an explicit licence that says you have the right to redistribute.


sad trombone sound

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So could Elektron sell it as they do with other sound packs? Easy profit and fun new sounds for everybody. Point being there is exactly how many of these CF cards out there right now? There’s no way you can obtain one unless buying an overpriced second hand, getting a mint for quite a buck. AE sold out the day it was released if I remember correctly. If you think about it, it’s elitist and counter community oriented move. In all honesty from a marketing standpoint it’s close to spitting into the faces of the whole community which got this company (through their purchases and support) to the place they are at now. Octa is a huge part of that foundation. So much for an “anniversary” content reserved only to collectors and a selected few.

they didnt sell out the day they were released.

ahh… i dont know about THAT… but i feel you. I TOO wish i had one.
But only for those red REC buttons. Theyd look SO good on my grey MKII. I could give a flying fuck about AE stock sounds.

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Yeah I get you. Some of the samples are quite juicy. It literally took one good decision to have something in store for everybody and it would be a good move that would please many.

sample something of your own! make it cooler than some stock “special edition” bs.