Octatrack MKii with LaunchControl XL issue

I have the launchcontrol xl working great with the knobs and faders but have an issue with the buttons (the bottom 16 buttons as well as the right left arrow buttons) let’s keep it simple and focus on the right left arroe buttons. I want to set those to advance the current active track so I set the Midi channel to 10 in the LCXL and the note values to G#4 and A4 (note channel 10 is my OT auto channel) for whatever reason this does not work when I try it on the OT. Any ideas if this is even possible? I have acheived this no problem with my Soleman foot pedal so I dont see what the issue is with the LCXL.


Sorry I can’t help but… how are you interfacing your Launchcontrol XL with your OT?

MidiPlus USB midi host, similar to a Kenton

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ok got it figured out… OT says track up is G#4 and according to Novation this is G#3, of course it’s only 2023 who would expect the midi notes to be ubiquitous… sigh

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