Octatrack multiple midi tracks to the same channel note confusion

I’m sequencing my Super 6 with a short repeating sequence containing a few notes and a single chord stab (OT midi track 1 / midi channel 1)

On OT midi track 2 / midi channel 1, I have another more complex single note pattern going to the Super 6 that’s muted.

Now here’s the interesting thing…

If midi track 1 is playing and track 2 is muted, my pattern is normal.
If I briefly unmute track 2, while track 1 is playing, the extra notes will play, but when I mute track 2 again the notes and chord stab the super 6 is playing from track 1 have changed.

I can briefly unmute and mute track 2 to allow the notes to go out and each time I do it, the notes the synth is playing from track 1 will change slightly.

Both channels have the arp turned off, but the key lock (cminor) turned on.

What’s going on here? and who is to blame for this?
Is it a MIDI thing?
an OT thing?
or a Super 6 thing?

The extra notes playback is something that I experience with samples plainly loaded into OT if I have VOL trigs on the sequencer and adjust track volume while playing an arrangement. It MIGHT be an OT thing.

It’s definitely not a MIDI thing. It is common to route multiple tracks to the same MIDI channel in lots MIDI gear and software without issues.

The synth is just receiving data from the OT so it could be assumed that what it sees is what it gets. One way to double check is to create a similar setup with another piece of gear or with a DAW: create 2 MIDI tracks, map them to send to the same MIDI channel, create two sequences, play and mute them as your heart desires, and see if the Super 6 behaves oddly.

I blame the OT.

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no disrespect intended, but you excluded ‘user error’ here which can’t be ruled out (or in of course) as you haven’t given enough detail

when you mute in/out and overlap - you haven’t explained whether the two tracks share notes … what is the OT to do with book-keeping shared note events across tracks, and what if the mutes are during a sustained note etc

if it’s an issue with some of the above then it could be an issue for many cases i.e. where the notes on the respective tracks are absolutely different and also see what happens if you mute during a silence etc - slow it down, reduce the variables and home in on the areas that might need some more attention

i’d advise looking at a midi monitor capture of what is sent like in a piano roll to see where notes are hanging or just look for anomalies in the bytes

i don’t know what the super 6 is, but i guess six note poly - is it possible you are losing voices because the notes are not neatly ‘dispatched/terminated’

if it was the OT it’s likely there would be similar reports given how popular it is

sure, OT can send midi data on teh same channel across tracks and it should be arriving fine, but what does your device do if it receives two sequential note on messages (before it received a note off) and then add on voice decay (not discussed) and so on

if you swap a super6 with a digital piano with their huge polyphony might you see a different outcome

anyway - my advice if you want to fix is reduce the variables and build up until the issue manifests - and give as much detail in a query as possible to hopefully get you closer to the heart of it … i’m not sure there’s enough clues revealed to know for sure yet

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This is great reply, no disrespect taken.
Thank you.

Yes, you might be right about the voice allocation on the polysynth getting muddled. There’s almost certainly shared notes at times.

Just for clarity, my goal here isn’t to have both sequences playing together, it was more to have a quick way to change the sequence, (i probably should be using patterns for this)

But it’s still surprising to me that when Track 2 gets muted again Track 1 has changed so dramatically. And continues to be different even if I stop and start the sequence again. It’s almost like something on Track 1 gets locked in place each time I unmute Track 2.

The only thing I can think of is that when I unmute and mute track 2 a note off message isnt getting through from track 2, which leaves track 1 locked to a note that track 2 was playing somehow.

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double stop on OT resets some ills and if th euper 6 has a panic button for hanging notes (or a message to send for that) try testing repeatability on that basis where you can have a ground zero so to speak

then one might (as a last resort) add midi cables into the picture, i always try to understand from simplest of cases but sometimes you don’t know for sure or replicate

I think that’s the same how in the sampler Chanel’s the lfo