Octatrack output sounds low against A4

Hello all,

I thought I’d sit in front of the Octatrack manual whilst feeding my Analog 4 in to Octatrack inputs AB.
Now Iv’e got things working perfect plus manual in hand BUT I have notice my Analog 4 has a louder sound output than Octatrack. Is there something wrong with my machine as it sounds so low compared to the A4.
If I turn down the input of AB to 64 then all is about level but I’m wondering if anyone else has this? Does Octatrack put out low audio signals compared to the other Elektrons?

Thanks in advance


every OT i’ve used has had a kind of low output. there are some interesting threads on here re: how people have approached gain staging on the OT.

every OT i’ve used has had a kind of low output. there are some interesting threads on here re: how people have approached gain staging on the OT.[/quote]
Thanks a lot I’ll have a browse here. I thought my unit was faulty or something.

I share my experience with these 2 guys.

I have A4 feeding INP C/D on OT;
OT Main Out@0 (default level)
I used to have A4 volume fully clockwise (max);
INP C/D gain @ -35;
AMP Volume @ 64 while the Playback page (THRU machine) was left at default (0); this way I can have identical level between the THRU and any sampled version using Recorder on FLEX.

Then I noticed how the sound from the A4 was somehow distorted in some occasions…it was its own output.
Now I have its volume at 12 o’clock (remember the small dot on MD/MM?)
INP C/D gain back @ 0 or -4.

I have comparable levels of before situation but with no worries to saturate the A4 sound within the A4…!
I can always put more volume if I need to, just by twisting clockwise a bit.
Sometimes OT’s inp led goes full orange or more redwise…but that saturation doesn’t hurt me…it does more the overloading of A4’s output.
(Note I am not speaking about its internal VCA compression behavior)

All of these is to have a "recallable"and distortion free scenario for a live-situation (that I am preparing right now).

I do not push OT output too…I prefer to rely on subsequent line-preamplification.

Thanks for this, much appreciated