Octatrack questions

does it have an an CTL-ALL function or some kind of it as Machinedrum?
I own a MDUW and am thinking if its good idea to pair it with an Octatrack.

It has something much more powerful :
The Crossfader ! You can morph up to 240 parameters with min max !
You have to plock the parameters values of each track (pitch, start, fx, lfos, etc) to a scene A, plock others to a scene B.
16 different scenes.


good to know! can those morph tweaks be recorded to sequencer as parameter locks? like MDUW when you CTL-AL and have record-on-the-fly engaged at the same time

Good to know about MD. :content:
The parameters can’t be plocked unfortunately, but you can control crossfader with midi tracks, plock crossfader values and/or scenes.


also would like to ask a question regarding the track-audio effects, i read in specs that two effects can be assigned in each audio track.
Could somebody explain what really means that, i come from MDUW that has master effects EQ/Comp/delay/reverb etc.
How is the effects architecture in Octatrack? are they all master effects? are they audio track dedicated effects? bit confused about the difference between audio/track/master effects

If you want to manipulate all tracks at the same time you can use track 8 as a Master Track: sound from the other 7 audio tracks is routed to the Master Track and Track 8’s effects then apply to the mix of sounds from all tracks and the external audio inputs. The main-page parameters of the effects on the Master Track can be p-locked.


thanks, so to summarise every track can be assigned to 2 effects which are customisable per track (?) and additionally you can have a master track to affect all the mix for expample compressor/eq/whatever (?)

The OT has 8 audio tracks.

If you use a Static or a Flex machine on a track, the track plays samples through two in-line effects slots. In-line effects are like the track effects on the MD. You can choose which effects machines go in the two slots for each track.

If you use a Neighbor machine on a track, the effected sound from the previous track is sent into the current track, so that you can have four effects on a sample.

You can dedicate Track 8 to be a Master Track, as described in my previous post.


Indeed! Very powerful. But you will lose track 8 if you use it as a master-FX track. Also this master track can have 2 FX max (for instance filter and the compressor)

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Damn, why did I never try this before! So you can automate/p-lock scene fader + switch between different scenes via midi loopback from an OT midi track? Could I use midi track lfos to modulate the scene fader like this? I’ve only ever used midi loopback to use the arpeggio on audio tracks. This sounds really useful tho, going to check it out ASAP. Thanks!


Thanks! I was looking for clarification on this and Neighbour machines

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Sorry, but is there a tut/guide anywhere regarding this and the midi loopback/Arp?

Im new to OT and have not touched the midi side of things yet.


I don’t remember seeing a vid for either of these. Someone should do one tho! I’m pretty novice with midi and rusty with my OT atm after a long time barely using it while finishing some stuff up. Can’t give you instructions without setting it up here. Sorry… If no one else helps out I’ll try to do it over weekend and get back to you.

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Cheers, thanks

Yep. With midi lfo designer you can even play melodies with crossfader, if scene plock concern comb filters, retrig, length…


I dunno how I missed this before. Hyped to check it out. Out of curiosity what’s the behavior if you move the fader while it’s being modulated by midi?

Normal behavior. CC48 messages change the values if you don’t move it. You can mute midi tracks to free it again.


You can change scenes at each step too.


If you get a sec and could step by step for that it’d be really appreciated. I’ve only ever used midi Cc for fluid automation stuff, not program change or something like switching a scene. Is it pretty straight forward?

New Project
Connect midi out to midi in
Set 2 scenes with different values

Press midi to access midi tracks
Set channel 1, press to validate
Set CC5 to 48, press to validate
Press CTRL2, press FN+BUTTON to activate CC5

Plock CC5 values or modulate CC5 with lfo