Octatrack questions

Maybe look to trigger the sample using a one shot trig instead? This should then always start from the assigned start point.

I think that when triggering the sample manually it will start wherever the cursor happens to be.

will try that later!

Thanks so much for all your help though. Much appreciated.

The Elektronauts community is a big part of why I love my Elektron gear so much.

In your second screenshot slices are off. Did you switch that on?

He has it set to quantized.

Even on Scenes A/B ?

Yes, I did for my workaround solution :slight_smile:

@sezare56, will check that tonight! I am away from my OT atm.

With Slice mode on, this plays the only one slice set whatever SRC START value is. Still possible that this value is plocked to scenes.

You can hold scenes A/B to check what is plocked, or mute scenes with Func+Scene A/B


Will do!

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I would also check if there isnā€™t a LFO modulating the start value.


No scene-locks, no LFO. But all these suggestions really help me learn, so thank you very much!

I will keep searching and share when I found what it is.

With the work around though, I can finally continue working on some horrible track I need to get out of my system :joy:

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Sometimes OT does weird stuff, usually power cycling and/or starting a new project/loading a different project fixes this.

If you encounter some issues you canā€™t attribute to anything, just switch your OT off and on again and if that doesnā€™t solve it, try with another project. :slight_smile:

Btw, is your OT connected to anything that could potentially send midi cc?

I switched it on and of multiple times. I do think my keystep was connected all the time though, will check if that makes a difference tomorrow.

To a certain extent, itā€™s quite comforting that i am not the only one who thinks this is weird :blush:

Hi guys. Can you peruade me not to buy the Octatrack?
I have AK and AR for something like three years and DN for about a year. I thought Iā€™m settled and donā€™t need any sampler. Butā€¦

But lately I realised, all the cool things OT can do to the signals, coming from the rest of the gear and I think that makes it dream gadget for the live performing. Thus I became little obsessed with this thought and everything points out that I should just go and buy it.

Therefore your task is to convince me not to do it.

Do you have will power?
Do you have any resolve at all?

Or are you a fickle slave to the whims of online shiney things?

Make a decision. Stick to it.

Read and learn the manual by heart beforehand.
If you success then youā€™re probably masochist enough to own an OT and you would have earn a substantial amount of time in your apprenticeship :wink:

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Actually I started to do so. At a first glance it is not that bad, but that can be sign I didnā€™t read it carefully.

The scary part of the story is that the more I dig into manual and videos, the more it seems like a totally logical fit as a next box in my setup. Despite having few Elektron boxes Iā€™m far from being a fanboy. I just like workflow, possibilities and sound (not always). Great factor is, that each new box is like a new member of the same family, hence not so much of a learning is required as all the boxes operate rougly the same ecosystem.

Some months ago I just started to think about some way of creative mixing of the machines with effects and loops. At this time I didnā€™t even think about OT, but finally it came to me, that it might be a good fit.

Previously I tried to convince myself not to buy DN, but finally I failed to do so and now Iā€™m more than happy with this sweet little brick.

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Quite clearly you are not.

Ok, you win, or lost by failing to convince me out of it. I lost, or win by not being convinced out of this. Anyway Iā€™m going for this, bit outdated, but wonderful machine soon.

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I donā€™t get that line. Outdated would mean weā€™d have better machines, competiting in terms of features, UI, etc.
If the OT is still used and bought 10 years after it must be that it is everything but outdated.

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OT will still be relevant in 2030^^