Octatrack questions

Yes, you are right. That could be phrased a bit better. Or removed because it is actually not true. The resolution is always the same, although changing the SCALE and how your program your pattern will make it seem to have a higher resolution by having more steps between your beats, so to speak. I will fix that. Thanks for pointing it out.


Resolution is 1/24th of a step actually, (96 PPQN).

1/384th ofā€¦16 steps? That display makes no sense.
I prefer newer Elektrons microtiming display.

:thinking: with 1/8 scale, 48 ticks per page, isnā€™t it?

Still 24 per step (384 per page)

:thinking: with 1/8 scale, 2 steps per page, hence 48 ticks, unless we donā€™t talk about the same pagesā€¦?

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Sorry, I misunderstood - Iā€™m calling a page as scale page - 16 steps, you are calling page the ā€œframeā€ of possible micro timed steps, so essentially we are agreeing that each step can be micro timed +/- 24 micro steps = 48.

What I was saying is that no matter which scale multiplier the bar is always having 384 possible positions, and it is just the time between each which changes, due to multiplier/divider not the resolution, per se.


I should have said +/-24 per step.


#re-friended? :smile:

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Yep! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

:sweat_smile: Phew!


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Hello, sorry if the question was already asked, I didnt read the whole thread.

Iā€™m currently messing around with the audio editor, and Iā€™m asking myself if there is a way to preview only channel R or L before doing the EDIT / MIX CHANNEL / SUBSTRACT CH L-R or R-L.
Or maybe any way to revert back to the both channel ? This is a cool feature, but without preview itā€™s unusable.

Edit: Oh I just think I can use COPY / PASTE to revert, but if there is a way to preview it should be better

Edit 2: copy paste donā€™t work as expected

Yo, two things:

1 - save your sample before editing, itā€™s destructive and thereā€™s no undoā€¦ but you can reload the saved sample from the last page.

2 - load a spatializer in a FX slot, m/s enabled, side to 0, mid to max. Then play with extreme bal value to get only the right or left side in mono. When youā€™re happy, resample!

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I would save the sample then try any option. For undo you can just reload the sample at its saved state.

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Thanks, not yet looked the FX. The thing with spatializer look very cool.
And yes, I just learn the REVERT TO SAVED FILE thing, usefull when you push too hard ^^

Not a OT owner yet. Trying to learn a max first.
If I have a track with a delay on it. When I mute the track, I mute everything, including the Fx? If I want to keep the delay playing after muting the track I would need to setup a neighbor track with the delay. Is that correct?
If I want to switch between states of mutes and neighbor delays, I would do this by switching patterns, but not with the crossfader?

Yes. A Neighbor track doesnā€™t solve the problem, if you mute the above tracks, it doesnā€™t mute at all.

Arranger mutes keep fx tails, they mute trigs. Can be used live in Arranger mode.

With scenes or external midi you can mute tracks lowering AMP VOL to minimum, also keeping tails.

Hmmā€¦ More stuff to decode before my purchase. Thanks!

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I see it now.

Quick OT question. If I record a loop into a buffer at 140bpm without the time stretch on, then turn down the pitch to negative 12. In mathematical theory (an octave is half or double the freq right?), would the sample now be at 70bpm? It seems to be. Tap tempo seems to guess 140 still, but I recon 70.

Are the gray knobs on a mkI just a gray version of the current black knobs or is the shaft recess/knob itself different?

Tempo and Pitch Calculators - Online | TheWhippinpost

Time-stretch, Pitch-shifting, Transposing, Tempo, Delay calculations, bpm (fkmmusic.com)

Tempo BPM to MS Calculator | Tuneform

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Okay. Thanks @shigginpit. -12 semitones does half the bpm. According to the first link you posted.

Great tip to know.

Iā€™ve actually wondered that. I think all the shafts of Elektron boxes are the same. Iā€™d like to grab a black set for my MK1.

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