Octatrack record MIDI note length?


I understand that the OT is essentially a 16 step sequencer (multipliers/funky time signatures notwithstanding) so it wants to push any recorded MIDI to those 16 steps unless you turn off quantise record (or whatever it’s called) and then it’ll try and use micro-timing to get closer to what you played but, will it record note length beyond a single step? If I hold down a chord on an external keyboard for the count of four will it playback for four beats or is it truncated to a single step?


I haven’t used an external keyboard, but you can definitely record longer notes and chords with the built-in keyboard.

Octatrack will record individual note length.
You can play and record up to 4 note chord. But all notes have to start and stop at the same time. What you can’t to is hold a bass note and play higher notes. For this you would need a workaround like: use 2 tracks, 1 for bass and 1 for melody for e.g.

WOT, everyday I discover something I love about the OT and then shortly thereafter discover something that seems really dumb.

Please tell me you can at least send that to the same midi channel.

Yes, you can set every midi track you want to the same channel.
In my setup I use 4 synths, so I have 2 tracks per synth.


Well then it isn’t too bad.

Thanks all

Can it record on more than 1 MIDI channel at once? You could do a keyboard split then. Left hand on one MIDI channel, right hand on another.

I tried it and it didn’t work for me. Recording was only possible on that track where I am on. Correct me if I’m worng.

Oh that’s a shame

I still use an MPC2000 for MIDI sequencing (but only MIDI sequencing) and I’d like to be rid of it tbh.

I know there’s a lot of buzz around the Squarp but something about it puts me off it, can’t put my finger on it. It’s probably amazing and I’m an idiot :blush:

Yeah that has occurred to me

How do you find the 500? Is the little screen too much of a compromise?

I find it ok for my needs. I had Mpc 2000Xl and Mpc 1000 jjos2xl.
Screen is ok for me. Track mutes visualisation is worse, of course.
Check manual.

I didn’t wanted to create a new thread, so I just ask here: Why can the MIDI note length only be 6/9 long (that is like one and a half bar Long? Why not 64step long MIDI notes? If i use the infinity value, i got the problem, that the note will not be cut off when i change the patterns.
Is there a workaround ? (EDIT: Ok found out that setting a note with zero velocity on the first step of a new bar, cuts of the last „infinit“ note, but still, why not 64 step long notes?)


Yeah. Why? Annoying length set indeed. Check Arp length values, I guess it’s the same.

Good workaround. What about a note on last step with +23/384 microtiming?

OT’s notes off are note on with 0 velocity.


I already had this with a pad sound. What I did was increase the release time oder working with reverb that it sounds longer. But you are right this can be annoying.

This still puzzles me everytime I get back to the OT, its such a weird design choice. Thanks for the work around, I was looking for a solution to sequence longer notes.

I’m new to OT and having some trouble figuring out how to accomplish something that might be basic, or it might be impossible! please let me know which one it is…

I want to set up a tracks with a short synth samples or single cycle wave, such that the sample is looped so that I can play it with infinite hold with an external keyboard and at the same time, I can also control the length of the how long the sample will play on the sequencer per trig.

So far I can only figure out how to do one or the other, not both.

If i have the sample able to play infinite hold on an external keyboard, it plays eternally per trig unless I parameter lock it short via the filter or amp ADSR.

How can I set it so that I can play it infinitely while holding a key, but have the default trig length be like an 8th or 16th note?

I can do it on M:S but having trouble with OT.


OT isn’t finished in that concern imho. For live playing, you need Hold INF, but note length is not recorded.

An Elektronauts plays an additional note to stop previous note, converting last note to a trigless with Hold Min, Release different from INF.

I usually plock after. I find a midi trick with a midi processor, converting Note of to CC (Hold Min).


I don’t know why the moderator put my comment in this thread, this is not the same issue at all. I’m not trying to record anything with MIDI, not using MIDI tracks at all, etc.

I’m trying to sequence SAMPLES of single cycle waveforms on OT but I want to control how long it plays for.

from what i can figure out I can only have it loop infinitely, which means that every time i put down a trig, it plays an infinitely long note and only stops at the next note. and the only way i can shorten the note is by changing the ADSR parameters, not the LEN parameters.

On model samples I can just determine the actual length of how long the sample will play, but on OT (from what I can tell, i’m sure I’m making a stupid mistake) once it’s looped i can no longer control the length.

thanks - but i can’t understand anything you just said! I guess my original post wasn’t clear beacause the moderator put this in the wrong thread…

I suggested it, my bad, but I wasn’t sure about your issue, and I thought this thread was talking about note length recording in Audio mode…(Related)
Moderators decide if it is justified or not. (@LyingDalai, @avantronica)

On OT LENght set sample duration (same parameter with MS iirc). This change sample (loop) length. To change note playback duration, you have to use AMP > HOLD time, values in steps. Set RELease to taste, different from INF.

It is not the only different thing with OT, don’t 100% rely on your experience with newer gear. It is different since Analog Four MKI.

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