Octatrack sending program changes

Ok thanks for you response very helpful.

I have it working this way but means I will need to re-order all my projects.

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Sorry to say in that tutorial he uses Midi Sync Program Change send. :wink:

Hello again Peter,

Iā€™ve realised that when I use the program change sync method above between OT-AR, by which the patterns follow each other consecutively, I encounter problems, as my arrangements do work this wayā€¦basically I run out of patterns.

Iā€™ve been reading this previous discussion you hadā€¦

Which says the song mode in Rhythm & OT can work alongside each other, which is greatā€¦ However, presumably I have to turn off the Prog Ch info from OT, so as not to get conflict? If this is the case I get in to problems again as my bass lines are midi seq in OT triggering a bass sound in Rytm? Will I need to re-seq my bass patterns in Rytm, instead of octa?

Many thanks in advance

Are you restricting yourself to 16 patterns (from a single bank) per song, or are you using the up to 128 patterns that the AR allows?

If you use Arranger/Song Mode in both instruments then you can program the songā€™s progress into both units and just use MIDI clock messages to synchronize the playback of both.

If you use Arranger mode on the OT and have it send Program Change messages to the AR with every change of pattern, then the ARā€™s pattern will change with the OTā€™s pattern.

I donā€™t have an AR, but I imagine that syncing patterns AND sequencing the AR using MIDI sequences from the OT should work if you carefully assign the MIDI channel numbers. I suspect that people mostly use one of the first two methods.

Thanks Peter, that makes senseā€¦ now you mention it, the OT Bass track is linked to the bass pad/track on the rytm via the midi channel setting, not prog Ch, so hopefully OT will still seq the bass pad in rytm and means I can use the Lfo/arp etc on OT stillā€¦will take a look.

Hey Peter, Zoltan here, i hope you can help me in this topicā€¦ i send Program Change message to Minitaurā€¦ I understand that itā€™s related to changing a Partā€¦ My problem is that it seems like the OT sends this PC message every time when the pattern is starts from the beginningā€¦ in this case it resets all the knob turns what i made during the play again and again. There is any solution? I just need the OT to tell to Minitaur which preset belong to which Bank/Pattern/Part whatever, but after that donā€™t touch the preset, 'cause i want to touch the knobs of the Minitaurā€¦ :slight_smile: I hope my question is clear, and you or someone have the solution! Many Thanx!

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I do not fully understand your problem.

Have you activated PROG CH SEND in the PROJECT > MIDI > SYNC menu?

I know this will be confusing but OT is weird sometimes.

As @PeterHanes mentioned you should use Midi Note Setup Prog Change, not Midi Sync page one.

Sync PCs are sent when you change patterns, Midi Note Setup PCs are sent when you change parts.

If the pattern is looped, the PC (Sync or Midi Setup) is sent only once, unless you double stop. (Quick stop x2)
Midi Note Setup PC is sent when you double stop, Sync PC is sent after double stop + play + stop.
Weird, but thatā€™s what my midi monitor tells me.

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hey guys, thanx for the answer! i turned off midi sync prog ch and ta-daa! now itā€™s fine! :wink: thanx!


yes, i activated it, and that coused my problem which was: OT sent the pc message always at the begining of the looped pattern. so if i strated build up something on the Minitaur like open the cutoff etc. when the pattern started again the pc message droped back all my changes on Minitaur accordimg to the preset. so the cutoff is droped down, the 2nd oscillator is not added etcā€¦ (itā€™s a long pattern so i have time to make changes on Minitaur ). thanx again!!! :slight_smile:

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I was considering getting an Octatrack but the thing that I wonā€™t be able to set easily a program change per pattern (without following the automatic number on other gear) itā€™s a kind of a deal breaker for me. I believe itā€™s a nonsense limitation and reading Digitone/Digitakt manuals it seems they are able to even if they lack song mode (and thatā€™s their deal breaker).

You can send configurable PCs on the midi tracks, up to 8 different ones on different channels. Itā€™s per OT ā€œpartā€ though and not per pattern. OT has 64 partsā€¦

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I have a lot of gear and no two of them follow the same protocol as far as BCā€™s/PCā€™s are concerned.

Hi guys, i hate to resuscitate this old conversation. I really do. But I have all Elektron devices and I dont understand what im doing wrong. Maybe because I dont get it at all. All I want is for DN DT and OT to change patterns on a sync like the DN and DT do as if theyā€™re the same device, send on one, recv on the other and off we go.
I get that theres some part of parts that does this, I thought there were 4 parts, is it 4 parts per pattern then, so 4 changes per pattern, or per Bank? Or? And where exactly is the configuration because I donā€™t see in parts where I can tell it to respond to program changes when the pattern changes. Someone in this thread keeps saying go to midi/sync/and send or receive progeam change, but I did that. Then I watched ezbots video where he said the OT and DN dont get along and he uses the DT as the clock and program daddy. So I tried that as well. I dont care where it originates and who starts it just need all 3 to change patterns at the same time.

Super frustrated after reading 34 posts, hereā€™s 35.

Itā€™s 4 parts per bank, but parts have nothing to do when you just want to sync pattern changes between Elektron devices.

Yeah, you have to set this up in midi->sync, but donā€™t configure the send channel as ā€œAUTOā€, because AUTO for PROG CH SEND doesnā€™t mean ā€œAUTO CHANNELā€.

Please do yourself a favor and read the section regarding the sync menu in the manual (around page 40). Watching just videos and reading some threads with incomplete informations is simply not enough with a device like the OT.


I will do it right now, like this second.

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Ok I read it word for word. It implies if I leave the channel on auto it will send or receive program changes on the next available, it does not. You said auto doesnā€™t mean auto channel and you were totally right. The manual says it doesā€¦ you have to set a receive channel and a send channel on the send device. But I figured it out. Even though the manual is dead wrong about auto finding the next available. Thats what it does on DN and DT. It was right enough for me to deduce the answer which is to manually configure channels on both devices, all 3 devices actually. Auto does work, just not on the OT.
Whats all the crap about parts? Itā€™s in parts? Parts has 4 options save rename, reload, save, save all. Where in parts is this supposed to be? Pick a channel neither device is using and done. Thats all. Wtf?!

And thank you for the advice about the manual. It totally worked. Thanks. I shouldnā€™t have to thank someone for suggesting the manual, I mean I should have already read it before coming here. Im an old school Linux guy, we invented RTFM so thats a little embarassing. It seemed like such an easy question and Iā€™m cover to cover reading the manual and had not got there yet. Im using a highlighter to really document stuff.

Why? AUTO choose the lowest midi channel used by audio tracks, and not shared by a midi track! IIRC if audio channels are off, it is not sent at all. Much simpler/safer to choose it yourself!

Ex : Default AUTO is channel 1, but if you use a midi track on channel 1, it becomes channel 2!