Octatrack sending program changes

Yep. I wish there was ‘Lock conditions’ but it’s ok !

After reading this entire thread, I’m still mystified.

I think the question is:

Can you completely remove a Program Change message from a Pattern / Part?

Midi SYNC > Program Change > Send / Receive Boxes are Unticked, Channels are set to AUTO

What was happening to ANEZ above continues for me. At the beginning of each pattern cycle the program change is sent from OT and the OB6 pattern changes to program “616”.

No matter what SBNK / PROG combination I attempt to manually set in the SRC > NOTE menu, OB6 (external synth) patch reverts to “616” (you can briefly see the numbers flash on the OB6 as the ‘reset’ happens), knob tweaks are reset, I cannot change program manually or via MIDI past one pattern cycle, because then the OT continues to send PC msg each time…

It’s as though the program change message is ‘imprinted’ on the part and/or pattern and I can’t seem to remove it…?

Any further help much appreciated.


So a PC is sent at the beginning of each loop of the same pattern ?
Normally not possible, a similar PC is not supposed to be sent twice consecutively.

Did you check all midi tracks ?
Did you try to disable midi tracks channels ?
Can you change OB6 patches with other messages, like CCs ?

I’d use a midi monitor to check OT midi out…

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