Octatrack / Thru machines midi / Mixer Mute buttons

Hi there,

Here is my config :

  • Volca beat into Input A
  • Volca bass into Input B
  • Track 1 : thru machine listening to Input A (Volca Beat), Midi channel : 10 (as the Volca Beat), panned full left
  • Track 5 : thru machine listening to Input B (Volca Bass), Midi channel : 1 (as the Volca Bass), panned full left
    1 midi pattern recorded on Track 1, 1 midi pattern recorded on Track 2
    Audio L to My studio monitor pair

My problem :
When I go to the Mixer page, the T1 audio mute button won’t have any effect, the Volca Beat keeps playing, until I hit the T1 MIDI button (orange button on the mixer page). While the track 5 audio button works fine : audio mute button (in red) works perfectly.
I checked all other parameters, they are quite similar btw T1 and T2.

Again, thanks for your help.

Is T1 flashing? Maybe you cued it by mistake?

Thanks for the answer buddy but no : no track is cued no track is flashing …

Neighbor machine on T2?

No neighbor machine either on T2

is the Dir on the Mixer page above 0 for AB ?

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That’s bad BTW if you’re using Thru Machines !

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Funny though, he said T5 mutes fine which wouldn’t be the case if AB was up in the mixer…

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good spot, it’s two mono THRUs on one input pair !

something else, although DIR should be off if you’re relying on THRU track muting

time to check all the details, scenes etc and simplify testing by manually playing the devices and concentrating solely on the audio side initially


thank you very much - I will test with the following :

  • Volca beat into Input A
  • Volca bass into Input C
  • Track 1 : thru machine listening to Input A (Volca Beat), Midi channel : 10 (as the Volca Beat), panned full left
  • Track 5 : thru machine listening to Input C (Volca Bass), Midi channel : 1 (as the Volca Bass), panned full left
  • DIR 0 for both pairs A/B and C/D

Solely, I would like to plug another keyboard to the device to another entry (microkorg) and use a pickup machine. Should I understand I won’t have any chance to hear anything from it ?

edit : i’m so glad of my homemade case for 3 machines.