Odonian - Medicine EP

Hey everyone, I have a new EP out today. This material was recorded between Dec 2022 and Apr 2023 and early versions of most of it have been heard in the current sounds thread before. I’m really terrible at genre and I don’t know what to call this stuff, I don’t think it fits neatly into any of the typical electronic genres, but I truly think it’s my best work yet and I hope you give it a play cus I think you’ll enjoy it.


really glad I saw this post! looking forward to listening as soon as I have my headphones with me, good for you on your accomplishment!

edit: I really liked it. great drums throughout. I like the variety. has some bits that felt a bit like mark farina mushroom jazz. track 3 with the slightly timbaland production feel was fun. I don’t want to get overly analytical but enjoyed hearing this, thanks for sharing.

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sick! taking it for a spin right now!

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You are right, I did enjoy it! Nice work, and the album cover is great too :+1:

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Thank you so much, I do really enjoy my drum programming! I’d have never expected a Timbaland reference but am certainly flattered by it.

Thank you! The album cover was almost as fun to make as the music.


Little shameless bump to say it’s available on Spotify now for all your streaming needs, my releases all hit Spotify late because I refuse to pay the extra money to be able to upload them prior to the release date.


I finally got time to listen to the whole album from start to end. Wow, great achievement! I really enjoyed every single Track on the Album. It sounds really good and the Tracks are really well build. This release should get more :heart: and Comments cause it’s awesome!

Congrats @Odo! I will buy it when I get home. :pray::heart:

Also, great cover! I saw your artistry in the Post your artwork thread, I love it!


Thank you so much! I am really proud of this one and am glad you liked it, here’s hoping the next one is even better!

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Purchased. :orange_heart: :pray:

And free bump.

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I don’t know why but the transaction failed (6 days ago :rofl:). Now it’s done.

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Hi fives all around @Tchu, not many better feelings than someone whose art you admire supporting your own!

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I’m humbly returning the compliment @Odo!:heart::pray:

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