Odonian - Slurs split tape Pure Cicadaa

Thought I’d make a thread for this split tape release I have coming up. Me and my friend Slurs have been tossing around the idea of doing a split tape for ten years now but the timing and financial means never seemed to line up, but now it’s very nearly here and I’m very excited about it.

There will be 22 copies of the physical tape coming out on 02/22/2022

Need to give a shout out to @Microtribe who shared their cicada field recordings which ended up in this release.


Did I? Dont remember.
Thanks for the shout out, and congrats on the release :slight_smile:

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LeGuin fan by any chance?

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Is it that obvious? :laughing:

Yes :wink:

Gonna ask you some, but in the books thread.

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Quick shameless bump as it’s officially released today. Happy Tuesday everybody!

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Got some tapes left so I’m giving this another little bump.