Offset parameter in Overbridge

is there any way to set a positive or negative offset within overbridge so the internal sequencer of my hardware unit will be a bit ahead or late compared to the timing of my daw?
I am asking as it is really difficult / impossible to keep everything tight when using other hardware that is synced as well, having plugins with latency somewhere in the project and the daw starts latency compensation. The offset isn’t huge but layering elements of a kick for example is not possible. A simple offset (maybe also if synced to midi clock) would be really really beneficial. I am not a programmer but I suspect this to be quite a simple task as I suspect the tempo being calculated of a series of sync pulses not the distance of every single one to the next so shifting things forward should work, backwards anyway.

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I might be completely off the mark here but I’d say the easiest/quickest way of doing this would be to turn off OB’s clocking and transport, clock your device over din midi and use whatever offset options your daw offers. If you’re using Live don’t forget that in addition to the track (pre)delays there’s also per output midi offset in Live’s preferences.

Unfortunately there is no possibillity to generate a stable midiclock using a computer. It can be done with mcu’s but as far as I know ideally requires some timing reference. If you scope the putput of a midi interface connected to a daw, also the new mpc’s and also the elektron gear you see quite a lot of jitter. While this is okish for some apllications it surely does not work when layering drums as it messes up the transients. Midiclock from a daw is the worst sync there is, that is why modern clock generstors get an audiosignal which then gets transformed to midiclock using a mcu with I suppose a crystal for reference. I think it would be more easy to diy a delay of the midiclock I am grabbing of pams gpio pins at the back.

I’d love tips too. Getting everything synced has been tough. I’m planning on messing with some of the latency settings but sometimes I get confused about what’s clocking what when overbrige is in charge. All I know is my Keystep into Vsts synced up is a little delayed. Luckily for midi I just manually adjust the recorded midi but still it’d be nice to have it locked tight.

I did try locking ableton to the digitakt tempo by clicking EXT by the metronome but that had way more latency so I switched it, reading that having ableton as the clock is the most stable (at least with OB apparently)

I’m aware of clock jitter and all the surrounding issues. You didn’t make any mention of that in your original post though. I think I also misread your initial question. Use per step microtiming to get the timing exactly how you want it, problem solved.