Oh no! Every machine got replaced by other machines

I am still learning the basics on my MD and today I was able to translate stuff from the mind to the MD they way i intended so i was extremely happy jamming it while recording it to Ableton. However, i must have mispressed something in the pattern selection because when i was trying to make patterns A07<<A08 go back and forth all the sounds i had so carefully tuned, turned into GND>–>ROUT and TRX>B2>ROUT. Is it possible for me to get my sounds back the way i had them programmed?

If you press Function & Classic/Ext at the same time the kit will revert to its last saved state.
Also Ext mode will load an associated kit on pattern change, classic mode won’t.
Most likely one of the above?

Ai i see. Thanks for that info though. Learned a hard lesson yesterday!