Old manual (original) for free

Just found an old original manual of a MD uw mk1 I once owned. If anyone in EU ist interested to complete his “bundle” hit me up. It’s not on 1.63 of course but for someone who keeps his mk1 as a collectors item it would be nice to have, I guess.


Let’s put it in a time capsule so that when the aliens open it they will be like “cool! these are the same cats that just put out Overbridge” :slight_smile:


Thanks for proposal. You’re not a good seller if you “kept” the manual! :smile:
At the opposite, I received a 2nd hand Micromonsta with the bottle opener I would keep anyway if I would sell it ! :tongue:

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As an excuse, I never realized I had a printed original version for the mk1 cause I bought it secondhand without original box and psu.

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hey - is this still available? :slightly_smiling_face:
i’m currently on a mkI and I prefer to read on paper when possible. Living in sweden.

I ll have to take a look. If my wife didn’t put it in the thrash it should still be there. I get back to you this evening

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Awesome thanks!

OK, the manual is still in place. Just send me your data (Address etc) via pm and I’ll send it the next days. I can cover the postage. Take it as a welcome to the forum and keep spreading the love :slight_smile:

Wow! Thanks!! :grinning:
Sending you a pm now!
