One Last (Medium-Short) Rant Before This Fades Completely

Summed it well. No offense taken. Throw a bow on that trick!

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If you are wondering whether it is drug induced, however, it is not. I just snoke the occasional cough, word to the god @Buad for the lingo. Lack of sleep, improper diet and drug use can all poke it though. But @reeloy is right, as usual. This will not be the last of it, even though it has faded away, for now.


@Suspect_Frequency, I saw this while on my daily walk and picked it up because it reminds me of you. I am going to give it a special place on my altar/battlestation.

Even though I hate the sight of red. :purple_heart:

It’s just like you in fact, though perhaps a bit more rough around the edges. :wink: :kissing_heart:


I am still slightly manic, and always will be. Just being honest.


:vulcan_salute: :fist: :love_you_gesture:

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I thought of the perfect way to close this thread. All the love homies.

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I am not baked enough for proper engagement but later!

Yes, this is a great community, I do like aspects of each synthy one out there, Elektronauts, Lines, Modwiggler and yes, even Gearspace has useful threads amidst the GASbait and the mods have been cleaning house a bit more as shouty-man trolls have been flaming out and trying to incite rebellion? (mostly sockpuppets from the same narcissist, I imagine.)

I’m trying to do my part with offering creative suggestions and technical advice and at least attempting to avoid the cycles of consumerism by figuring out why i buy things and what happens with the gear i have, when i get frustrated and put it aside.

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You are an amazing mind. A treasure to our times.

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Pssht thanks! I guess just as a reminder for everyone to keep up the general positivity in a world that can otherwise be bleak and keep us from creating, down in so very many ways.

It’s way too easy to poo on gear that other people are using with no problems, everyone should put their energies into helping other people who get blocked by themselves and their current levels of knowledge.


So much yes.

It certainly doesn’t have to close, but whoever is reading this, if you get to the end of the thread, then play Exit Music at the very end, wherever that may be.

Pictures for @Suspect_Frequency


I have been clearing room on my altar for all of the gifts and trades that the wonderful members of this community have bestowed upon me. Bless you gear saints. Bless you.

I’ve been busy working on something for my brother, however I just wanted to at least say, I’m reading through your thread and I want to make a special contribution here in the near fut. I was definitely on the lack of sleep, diet, and pot that night. Been taking care of all areas since, but sometimes you fall down or sometimes you just need a break and a release.

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Buad, you are a god, don’t ever forget it. My love for you is infinite and always.

And I have a special connection with you that nothing could ever sever.


And I look forward to your blessings more than most things.


I love this place. :joy:


Special as sunshine ain’t it?!

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It reminds me of the old internet. Nowhere else like it, so many good people and great discussions. Loved this thread, perfect representation of the forum as a whole :heart::joy: