OP1 knob for level :)

The end of mixing up the Level and A knob is near :stuck_out_tongue:

Great mod!

I should color code all of the LEVEL knobs on all of my Elektrons. Iā€™m constantly grabbing it by accident.

Well done ! I always do mix up Level & A knob.
Iā€™ll take a MM knob !
Any way to make the Headphones level knob control the Master volume ?

In the mixer settings you can set the mix of main (M) and cue Ā© signals to the headphone out. Turn it all the way to the left an you will only hear the main mix through the headphone out.
You obviously lose the ability to cue anything to the phones.

I similarly swapped out out my level knob a while ago and would never go back. An essential upgrade I thinkā€¦

In the mixer settings you can set the mix of main (M) and cue Ā© signals to the headphone out. Turn it all the way to the left an you will only hear the main mix through the headphone out.[/quote]
Sorry musicmagus, that was a joke.
On any Elektron instrument, this knob controls the Master Volume.
Only on OT itā€™s for headphones volume. Which is totally useless for me, if you want to know. And a very weird shift in the design of this otherwise magnificent instrument.
The weirdest part of this is that for the later Elektron boxes itā€™s back to normal.

In the mixer settings you can set the mix of main (M) and cue Ā© signals to the headphone out. Turn it all the way to the left an you will only hear the main mix through the headphone out.[/quote]
Sorry musicmagus, that was a joke.
On any Elektron instrument, this knob controls the Master Volume.
Only on OT itā€™s for headphones volume. Which is totally useless for me, if you want to know. And a very weird shift in the design of this otherwise magnificent instrument.
The weirdest part of this is that for the later Elektron boxes itā€™s back to normal.[/quote]
Actually it makes perfect sense if you dj with octatrack and use it for cueing. Another use is for live looping (cue out a guide track).

needs to be bigger

Doesnā€™t really make more sense to me.
I mean, for cueing you would set the cue level for a track rather than set the volume of headphones, wouldnā€™t you ?
I donā€™t see why Headphones Volume knob makes more sense than Master Volume knob.

And I have no clue what you mean by guide track. Mind explaining further, 4.33 ?

Musicmagus what I meant was that I would have liked to be able to control main output volume with this ā€œVolumeā€ knob.
Adjusting the headphones volume with the mixer is sufficient imo. Controlling Main out level would have been way better.

Cuckoo, I just exchanged Mono level button with OT track level button.
MM button doesnā€™t feel as great as OTā€™s, but at least your trick works like a charm :slight_smile:

^ Say you have a dedmau5 track blasting and would like to drop some italo disco next, but youā€™re not sure if it fits, so you cue it up on headphones. Thing is you canā€™t hear it because disco is such a quiet genre of music. So you grab the volume knob which is so conveniently controls the cue.

Looping. You are in a Scooter cover band and you wanna yell ā€œhow much is da fishā€ and have it looped then fade in the rest of the mix. So you cue for example your kick (guide track) then yell into the mic in time with that and then fade everything else magically in time. And thatā€™s another use of the headphones knob.

If that leaves you uninspired, there are lots of parties without proper monitoring and you hear your sound bouncing back from walls with a delay, so itā€™s a bit of a hassle to be in time sometimes. Not that anybody cares, though.

Oh and you can still control main out volume with that knob if you hold the function key.

This is what I was looking for, thank you so much !
Actually, itā€™s not the ā€œVolumeā€ (aka Headphones Vol.) knob that you turn to change the Master volume, itā€™s the Level knob.
But that was what I was needing, so 1000 thanks mate :slight_smile:

I see your point on the use of the Cue, and hence the need for headphones knob. I must reckon DJing is not a part of my musical experience.
IMO one could simply use Cue+Level to get some track shoutong in the headphones.
And get the proper max headphones level in the Mixer (or Fn+Volume for instance).
Just to be consistent with the sisters.
But now that I have Fn+Level combo, Iā€™m OK :smiley:
I must admit it makes sense, somehow.
Now I get the logic of it.