Open Source album with RytmTool and DigiTool - Re: conet_c

Hey guys,
Thought its worth posting here as i released an album and attempted making it open source.
All the patches, sysex files samples are available for grabs. Also it comes with early mixes, mixed made by Roel Funcken, Nathan Moody, Benny Tones and Toby Lloyd and mastered versions of all these tracks so you can really compare second mixes with masters and see the evolution of each tune and load the patterns to your rytm or digitone.
On top of that i made RytmTool and Digitool which give additional modulation sources to the machines. These are max patches that use NPRN midi to send to the devices. Random generatros, siine and drunk. You can set the ranges so it can just slightly move the parameters and free LFOs for other bits. I find it quite useful. Check it out. Everything released on Github and high-quality audio on Bandcamp on pay as much as you want.


Also, few tunes with these tools in use below and video documentation on my Instagram under

Let me know what you think about the release and tools if you get to use them. Keen to hear. I am planning future updates and have few things in mind. Peace!


Don’t have anything to add but felt bad just leaving a like considering how awesome this is. The album sounds amazing and I love the open source concept. Hats off to you this amazing effort, awesome tools provided to the community, and awesome album.


This is such a cool idea!
Listening to the album now and already sounds amazing 40 seconds in :slight_smile:

The open source aspect is such an amazing resource. Even just being able to hear the difference between a high quality unmastered track vs mastered track is invaluable. A lot of examples out there are usually just some basic snippets of a fake track which don’t sound good in the first place. So it’s amazing to hear what a good track sounds like before it’s mastered!


Thanks so much, guys this is lovely to read. I did it to test for my self if its worth it :slight_smile:
As never mastered an album before and never had it mixed either by someone else. I can say its definitely fun and cool experience and was invaluable to me as well to get feedback and release the control a bit. Bob Macc who did mastering gave me really cool feedback too and he did a great job on making those tracks sound the same even tho they were mixed by different people. To me his masters sound a bit like Ninja Tune compilations.

I am planning to make short video series with engineers and Bob who did mastering to talk about different approaches to that. Stoked that you like music. It’s the most important thing here. The project is quite technical with all the software and stuff. It actually took me a while to make all those patches and test different approaches before I have decided on tunes and which ones to take further to mixing and mastering.


I’m so happy you put this out on a Friday, weekend plans sorted :slight_smile:

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Can recommend the album and the Max
Patch, Radek shared it with me a few weeks ago, having 8 lfos on digitone is bananas :slight_smile:

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Nice one! Glad you found it useful!

I have to say there is a limit of external modulation you can do with Digitone and Rytm too before interface becomes sluggish. I treat it as a feature tho, its sort of slow-motion :wink: i think it takes about 6-8 LFOs additional LFOs/Random on Tone and about 8-10 on Rytm.
I contacted Elektron support about it and they are well aware of that too.

  • Work around is using external midi controller.

Just a follow up here especially for Nebulae users. Alternative instrument that is part of this album is out also on Qubit website. See here youtube video.