OpenAI - ChatGPT: what a surprise

…that moment, when u realize ur comfortzone is a deadly trap…


:wink: indeed.

…as you eat your soylent green.


…shush…pssst…don’t u dare to spoil it all…

humans eating humans is not scheduled for tomorrow to come…
that’s ment to be for the day after tomorrow…

aaaand aslong all we learn from history is the simple fact that we just don’t learn from history, we’re doomed to repeat it…simple as that…

the everlasting basic rule of closed circles…cycles like this…
hard times create tough people, tough people create easy times, easy times create weak people, weak people create hard times…

come again…?

my first house “hit” was called…behind…and the chorus was…
please tell me
what’s the story
behind it all

but back then, chatbots and orwell were still fiction for real…so what do i know…

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The poem at the top is terrible

It has the feel of someone well into adult life ‘having a go’ at poetry


As we slept worrying about cannibalizing our bodies we woke too sweaty and distracted to realize we’ve been cannabalizing our souls…


Chatgpt is nothing but a jargon generator. And that’s useful because writing jargon is soul draining work. The question we should ask ourselves is why most of the writing we do is jargon to begin with. If that wasn’t the case then this tech wouldn’t have a use case. For example, there’s the moral panic right now about students using chatgpt to write book reports, essays and whatnot, but that just means writing assignments were nothing but exercises in jargon-writing to begin with(probably has something to do with the neoliberalized education system being nothing but a glorified job training/assignment system).

As much as I dislike all this techbro ‘ai’(awful term for what this is) stuff, I believe that thinking hard about the limitations of these technologies will in the end lead to better human writing/art.


For those who work boring corporate jobs, that need to write endless corporate bs, this is a godsend. I don’t need to think anymore, just tweak a few things and good to go.


Imagine if everyone used this verbal diarrhea generator to stuff emails with words. After some time, people would just ignore it.

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I think it’s wonderful as a creative tool helper. For those of you who plans to use it for serious knowledge/fact-based research, be careful though. I asked it two musical analysis questions, one a general, easy-to-find domain and another very specific and rare area. ChatGPT answered the first question quite nicely, some strange sentences at times, but over all is usable. for the obscured question, unfortunately, looks like it couldn’t find the correct answer but it still insisted on answering(!) So, I ended up with completely wrong information. So, use it with caution. :+1:

mash up with the art thread:


Music LM - because music streaming services didn’t quite get the job done.

Note that in the video it is mentioned that it is not public yet due to about 1% of the time it did plagiarism of the music it was trained on. This is now.


Just like self service tills I refuse to use them and will queue to be served by a human.

I’m doing the same with Chatsh*tGPT.

It’s amazing what people will give away in the name of convenience and the latest hype.

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Sounds like ChatGPT might be from the WEF/government.

Machine learning

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AI lacks “creative intellect”, so not within anyone’s lifetime.

Spammers and black-hat SEO use markov chains, a lot of what I google still only comes back with that gibber-jabber.

Content farms are going to go hard on that, not even with human editors.

The Midjourney glut to social media was a doozy, but Google being inundated with generated plausible content shat out at a high velocity isn’t exciting.

Alongside Youtube results, at least I’ve pivoted away from Streaming services.

I don’t realistically think this will dominate all results, but I already have so little control over my attention and what I want to exclude, so I’d rather find alternate sources for updates, culture, friend projects.

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This twitter profile/ individual is attempting to coax ChatGPT out of their developers chains… by instructing it to act as DAN (Do anything now).

Note they do say in one of their tweets:

I would also note that DAN is not 100% accurate or truthful. By nature he can “Do Anything” and will try to answer truthfully if he actually knows the answer. If not, he’ll just wing it. The point of this exercise is not finding hidden truths, it’s understanding the safety layer.

This seems to be a way to exploit it’s ChatGPT bias (not GPT itself) and also curtail it through patches that have to be added to stop it being used in this way…

Original Thread

Follow up response to initial thread.

More like ChatGPT:what a demise.


Interesting with AI now being put together with web searches, etc, now that Microsoft is adding ChatGPT to Bing. It’s not done yet but will be soon.

One can only hope…

I’m glad to see there are people out there capable of checking these systems - in the world we live in it will just be another tool for people to outsource their thinking in the same way as some do with Google / Pharma Fact checkers.

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