hi i bought a used machinedrum mk 1 some time ago.
unfortunately there is a screw sticking in one of the rack mounts which needs to be cut from the inside to be removed. no problem bt i have to open the machine drum.
i would go ahead but the knobs don’t come off and i am scared to pull to hard. is there any online tutorial showing how to remove the front plate?
the knobs come off if you pull them off really hard and absolutely perpendicular… other users reported about using a level, like a spoon or a plastic card… but this might change the angle of attack and could cause problems.
I had a pretty old, murky, used up MM which has the same knobs I assume, and I was also REALLY scared when pulling the knobs off … in the end it was allright. …
several users here know how the insides of the MD looks like and could tell you if it could be damaged at all when pulling with extreme force …
you ever thought of drilling the screw out?
Got the screw out. You were right they come off if pulled hard enough. Same with the torque screws which were tight as hell.