Organizing samples in an active project & in the machine

I’m having a hard time finding a way to organize my samples by function.

I also have a few questions…

When I drop in samples from my computer into the rytm, they are placed in folders based on when they were uploaded. Can I move the samples into different folders? I’d like all my kicks, hats, fx to be in their own folder, but i didn’t necessarily load the samples into Transfer in that order, so my samples are not really organized.

It would be a pain if I had to delete all the samples from the Rytm and load them in Transfer again in a better order…

Also another couple of questions…

The only way I am aware of that I can organize my samples that are already loaded within my project, is by loading in each sample in the order I want so that all the kicks, hats, etc are grouped…

Is there a better way to organize the samples that are already loaded? Or do I have to unload everything and reload? (ahhhh… but then the samples that I am actually using in a track being will have to stay put so i don’t lose them…)

When I am unloading samples that I am not using in a project, and I replace them with other ones, the rytm will load in the samples in the next available slot, which means the new samples I load will be in random available slots, and it gets confusing to manage which samples I just loaded in, and which are there from before… is there a way to bypass this?

of course I can look at the name of the sample, but ideally my samples would be in order by sound…

but right now all samples are all over the place in random orders, and i just want all my kicks together, etc etc

Any tips please! Thanks

Would love to know if there’s a way to re-shuffle samples loaded into the project slots. I usually purge the samples not being used and then rebuild, but have started getting into using an LFO to sweep through samples and P-locking the rate which creates some wicked grooves. Being able to finesse the chain it cycles through by re-ordering samples instead of replacing them would be proper handy.

I think that if you want your samples in a specific order, you should use sample chains. It’s much easier to do admin on a computer. Also, this method would allow you to add new kicks, or hats or whatever, without having to re-do all your sample slot admin on the Rytm.