OS Upgrade: Digitakt 1.30

I think a lot of people don’t use it. but for those that do, it would be an awesome addition. song mode is a weird thing with them though… it was actually better and more powerful in the MD, MnM and OT than the A4 and AR. so maybe they’re slowly killing it…?


Yeah… I think so too. If the song mode was as sophisticated as in the OT, I’d say: Yes, please! Otherwise … please no.

Just manually change patterns! More fun anyways!

Updated, was fast (including Transfer install).
Enjoyed. Resonnant bandwith filter missing! :content:

I have the feeling some values (like start/end) are easier to set. Just a feeling? My encoders seemed more capricious before…
Maybe related :

Bug fixes
Parameter values could wrap around when quickly turning a pushed down encoder.

(my problems and main grief were with normal use, no encoder push/press)

In the GLOBAL FX/MIX menu, you have the option to set the parameters on the DELAY, REVERB, COMPRESSOR, INTERNAL MIXER, and EXTERNAL MIXER parameter pages to be global

What if you use global settings, go back to per pattern, then go back to global?
Are last global settings maintained?


Entirely agree with this! I really hate to complain when the update is 95% amazing and useful, but I was disappointed that the visual changes are aesthetically “wrong” compared to Ess’s clear vision for the UI. They are mostly useful and functional changes (except that -/+ which was pretty self-evident before) but could look much better.

Again, I hate to complain so let me say that it is an incredible update that hugely improves the usability of the Digitakt that’s totally free - life is good!


Does this update mean the DT is now an Delay/Reverb/Compressor FX box ?

I think just theses FX together for the price of the DT just discard a lot of FX pedals. 500€ used, just 2 cables and you have 3 FXs for your analog synth. Noice.


Not the Zoia though (yes, honeymoon phase and all that).


Yes. Or sacrifice the compressor for the addition of chorus and overdrive on the Digitone :wink:


This morning I ran the Microfreak through the DT and played with delay and reverb settings, using slight tweaks on the annoying init sound (filter cutoff, amp envelope). Then I turned the DT effects all the way down, patched in a Source Audio Collider, and ran through some dual delay/reverb combinations. My conclusion is that the Collider has not been made obsolete. The DT effects will be quite nice when fitting one or two other synths in with the DT’s sounds, but I don’t see firing the DT up just for effects.


The only pedal I ever used was the zoom cdr-70 or whatever. I haven’t needed it since the new update on the Digitakt. It’s a solid fx box. My td-3 has new life through the digi with no other clutter.

I’d say the digitakt is a good easily accessible fx unit if it’s already on your desk. Especially if you’re feeling experimental.

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GLOBAL FX/MIX In the GLOBAL FX/MIX menu, you can select several parameter pages whose parameters will (when selected) act on a global level instead of on a pattern level. Then the parameter’s settings on that page will not only affect the active pattern but will also affect all the other patterns in the project. The parameters text/ value graphics are then inverted

So, to answer myself, afaik, the active pattern (A01) settings become global. If you select another pattern (A02), these settings are maintained. If you deselect and select again global mode, the pattern A02 settings become global.

So I guess templates for global settings can be done on certain saved pattern…


thanks for looking into this. this is actually really cool, it makes it possible to transition between songs without disrupting the fx settings then toggling off the ‘global’ setting to revert back to a pattern based set of parameters, etc.

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I’m gonna be an ASS, and UME that similar thing will find their way into the DN. Like the audio routing? :crossed_fingers:t6:

Then you get your chorus :slight_smile:

(to UME is to guess :slight_smile: )

I ume I’ll be wrong as usual.


Yep…definately an ASS…
Its already part if the DN architecture…


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Ya well I’m an idiot. It’s a known.

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Hush ! DTakt users will ask for chorus now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Not quite, the Digitone can only apply effects to both inputs at once. I UME it would need another page to set it up like on the Digitakt.


Really enjoying this OS, it helped me to appreciate much more the DT. 2nd lfo !

Certain encoders were jumpy and capricious, they seem to work properly now. It was very annoying. Keeper!


2 lfos make a huge difference!


Yep. Granularity just got better on DT :slight_smile:


Yeah, it’s not as sophisticated as DT is after the 1.30 update, as audio from both the left and right inputs of DN is summed to mono, then sent to the chorus, delay, and reverb as send FX. And the master overdrive is applied to everything (internal sounds and inputs at exactly the same amount). But for tracking guitars/synths, it works nicely. I imagine DN will get some extra treats in this regard soon.