Oscillators levels set to 0, FMing the Noise settings, and letting a voice play the filter in 5/4 so the tones do whatever but not sound repetitive so that you can focus on making the noise do interesting things

On the Analog 4


Awesome glitchy madness. Probably best demo of A4 I’ve heard.
1:30-2:15 sounds :smiling_imp: :skull:

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Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

Yep. Nice and twisted. The twisted the better

Right! For way too long I didn’t have proper imagination and was playing it safe with everything! Lately I’ve been in the mood to really push things to their limit and see what I can find! It is awesome!


Inspirational! Time to get the A4 out again!!

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another fun technique for getting wacked out sounds is using the tuning fork LFO at like 2khz to modulate other settings like panning or amp volume… its pretty freaky once you start layering other modulations in there

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Oh yes! I’ve tried both of those things. It’s crazy how something like LFO’ing the volume creates a whole new sound! For the longest time, I timidly approached the LFO just using it at a slow setting to throw a slight variety to a riff. It wasn’t until the Cowbell Challenge that I first used the LFO as a proper tool in sound shaping.

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I just wish I could remember what settings I used to pull THIS sound out


Nice drippy sound :slight_smile: Might have to try and mimic this one.

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Me too :smiley:

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Sick !!
It’s trying to say something but the mouth is full :mask:

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Right?! I’d never pulled such sounds out of an instrument before! Like a vat of slime bubbling over like from some 80’s sci-fi horror. The day I’m able to get that sound out of the synth on knowingly and on purpose is the day I submit my portfolio to be some B-Hollywood Sound Effects guy :slight_smile:


That’s what I like most on Machinedrum : Fn+any knob changes every sounds at the same time. With reload combo in the same area, it’s inviting to just get crazy and experiment.
Brings me a whole lot of joy !!


This is great man, real Autechrey! Can’t wait to get an A4, it’s the next Elektron on my list.

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I think I might have to start considering getting an A4 :open_mouth:


yeh and dont forget about the LFOs on the FX track… thats when things can get super crazy

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wow! haven’t heard an a4 sound like this before. nice work!

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Thank you!

Right! I haven’t been able to make anything workable with that, but I’m trying. On this one I tried to do some p-locking on the fx track, but I guess making a track only with noise and filter the Fx transitions weren’t too noticeable