OT bug or damaged machine?

I’m fearing it must the latter here, a couple months back I noticed a weird glitch on my OTmk2, when I pressed function + Rec3 to save a recording I would get a chaotic flashing screen (you would see the sample slot screen blink off and on rapidly).

I looked into the latest OS notes and under bug fixes it says…

“A button press could in some cases be incorrectly registered as the press of another button. The Trig mode MIDI map was not read correctly when loading projects.”

So I installed 1.40B and to my delight it resolved the problem, I thought that was that but now I’ve noticed that when I hold down trig 10 on the sequencer I get the exact same problem. Also when on the file naming screen if I press function +> I instead get a message asking if I want to copy track. So basically a whole lot of erratic behaviour. I’ve tried creating new projects but the same problem occurs and I already have the latest OS. Do I need to take my unit in for repair?

Have you tried test mode?


erratic stuff when there’s physical input also makes me think of marginal ribbon cable mating - speak to support after you check test mode


Oddly both problems went away shortly after posting this, not sure why. Tried test mode and it shows as above. Thanks for the advice, I’ll keep monitoring it.