OT DJ / Loop Static Machine Issue

Dear all,

I’m an octatrack user for over 1 year.
The issue where i face is probably stupid or probably is a big for disadvantage for octatrack.
So the issue is that : When i load to a Static Machine a big duration backing song and i place a trigger to the first step of the sequencer then the backing song starts to play and loops from the beginning after the 16th step of the sequencer. When i remove the first trigger from the first step of the sequencer the backing song plays normal without any looping…fair enough till now.

Now when backing song is at the middle of its duration or at the end and i place real time again at the first step of the sequencer a trigger in order to create an 1bar loop real time the backing song starts looping from the beginning and not from the time that i placed the trigger even if i have the loop on or off from the attributes page of the sample (AED) or from the Static Machine page options.
To make it more clear to you if i was playing a song through traktror or cdjs players i could easily put a loop real time during the time the track was playing.
However i believed till today this was a big disadvantage for octatrack and i say till today cause i accidentally saw a video on youtube with a Dj mixing for 30min with octatrack like mixing with cdjs or tracktor by placing real time triggers to steps to create real time easily loops.
here is the link : https://youtu.be/Ti0QSCFaNsw

Any help is fully appreciated.
Thank you for your time.

ps. By looping i don’t mean Loop Fx , Freeze Delay , Control Delay etc :slight_smile:

This is normal.
The trig triggers the exact settings of every parameter for every page of your track, and also includes the information in the AED (such as start point) when you place a new trigger, you have just told the OT to play the sample from the begining again. Unless you instruct it otherwise.

If you want to loop ad hoc as you describe, you need to get busy with slices, capturing live loops, or use the delay in a clever way.

Im not going to advise you on what you should do, just lettinf you know the behaviour is normal. You can achieve what you want, it will just take some working out, not as simple as a DJ controller. Octatrack is modular, freely configurable by the user, and thus apparently complex, since the scale of use cases is infinite.