OT, DT, 2 DN, Arturia Keystep Setup

I am trying to set up the following:

DT-Clock, Midi for two DNs
OT-Audio in from DT left, audio from 2 DNs right, audio out
Keystep-Play both DNs

I can get everything working with the exception of the Keystep to play the DNs.

I personnally don’t understand your setup, more details (channels used, clock chain,…) would be useful.
Also do you want the Keystep to play the 2 DN at the same time?

Hi there.

If you just want to play die whole setup with your keys, you could chain midi as the following and keep the rest of your audio routing:

keystep midi out ->
DT Midi Out (clock/transport send on, clock/transport receive off) ->
DN 1 Midi In (clock/transport send off, clock/transport receive on) ->
DN 1 Midi Thru ->
DN 2 Midi In (clock/transport send off, clock/transport receive on) ->
DN 2 Midi Thru ->
OT Midi In (clock/transport send off, clock/transport receive on)

assigne every device with a certain midi channel… choose corresponding midi channel on keystep to play certain device.
