OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Has anyone ever suggested an arranger listen/record mode? Such that the octatrack listens and actively compiles a performance into the arranger format?

Perform your song, the octatrack remembers the arrangement, then it’s waiting for you in the arranger for finer detailing.

I think that would be a pretty slick feature and useful compositional tool.


Feature Request:

Parts should be able to send / receive Midi CC messages.


Not possible to change Parts remotely; and thus cannot have perfect synchronization of multiple Octatracks as no way to change Parts simultaneously.


Suggest using Midi Continuous Controller message [ $3E 62 ] with values [ 0 = Part 1 … 3 = Part 4 ] to send/receive when Parts change.

This would allow synchronization, or extend the capabilities of the Octatrack when used as a voice module; particularly in light of the recent OSv1.40 update and Midi Slices.

Additional: Add option in the Project, or Personalize to enable/disable this behaviour via a boolean flag.

Use Case #1: Two Octatracks Master/Slave synced.

Initial State:

  • Master: Pattern A01 Part 01
  • Slave: Pattern A01 Part 01

Change to Part 02 on the Master, result:

New State:

  • Master: Pattern A01 Part 02
  • Slave: Pattern A01 Part 01

So now they are out of sync.

Use Case #2: Octatrack as a voice module

Using the Octatrack as a voice module trigger samples/slices whatever.

Imagine being able to change the part remotely to access a new array of samples and associated fx etc?


Is there a way to quick save parts like quick saving kits on RYTM?

On mk2 you have a short cut but it’s not like the Rytm you have to enter a menu still

yeah i’m on mk1 and have to go to parts and then edit and then save :frowning:

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Explain it now! That jam is insane.

It’s called DAW. I get what you mean but then you won’t use the OT Arranger as you’re doing.
It’s always a big no for me when someone suggest something not in the nature of a product.
The OT and other patterns based machine are building in blocks. If I want linearity I record in a DAW.

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The principle is to send CC52 to arm one shots. I used midi Plays Free tracks to do so.

Big limitation : you have to send them constantly, otherwise you arm only the first one shot of the track. Possible with OT/DT/DN midi tracks, and other gear that would be able to send that CC52 constantly (sequencer / lfo).

Midi FILL!

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I’m just gonna ask again because I think it would be super useful…

Can we get an option to turn off the screen (ideally a button combo press)?

Thank you :relaxed:


I think that this should be an option considering the MD was 12 bit and all old school samplers were as well. It’d be nice to have this option for sampling out the octatrack.

You can’t do 12 bit on a modern sampler. You can do 8,16,24 and 32 bit but not 12bit.
Downsampling is not the same. The beauty of the 12bit is in the artifacts when you pitch the sound.
I have a Gemini 1224 just for that amazing pitch down artifacts.

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Answered elsewhere:

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This answer should be moved here, isn’t it?
Btw, which LOFI BRR would correspond to 12 bit? :loopy:

Yeah the aliasing is really important I didn’t know if being able to make the whole sound 12 but not the effect on a track

But it’s per track not the whole project and it takes an effect. I understand that simply making it 12-bit won’t achieve the same sound as an sp-1200 but I’d love maybe an FX setting anyone knows with lofi or anything else to achieve that same aliasing 12-bit grit sound

Funnily enough I did recently, and possibly some years ago too. I think it would be a very handy way to quickly build a song.

BTW Send feature requests to:

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Probably SRR at 30-32, BRR at 60-70 should get fairly close.

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By ear? Would you make a chart? :content:
Maybe Elektron knows exact values…
Isn’t MD at 44.1 Khz (max), hence SRR at 0?


Have just sent through: Parts should be able to send / receive Midi CC messages.


I don’t remember now, think MD was 24bit 44.1khz converters, but I was thinking about 12bit sound in general, often sample rate was 32k or 22k which I think contribute to the distinctive sound when repitching, though probably not the only reason. Would be good experiment to try resampling on OT with those settings then try repitching, vs just repitching normal sample thru lofi with those settings?


It seems like a quicker and more intuitive way to input/build something in the arranger, and since it builds upon on a feature that already exists, surely it wouldn’t require excessive CPU taxation.

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