OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

I mean if the shit MPC’s can convert audio through a software that’s modeling the MPC60 or SP-1200 chip architecture there has to be a much more simpler Swedish way of achieving that characteristic sound. If only we could get a ring modulation effect to add to the lofi to make a really nice old school hip hop boom bap sound

Get a Gemini sampler dude. It smokes any emulation, it’s dirty cheap and it has phono inputs.
You want the old school, then get it :slight_smile:

The only old sampler emulation I like is from TAL Sampler.

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I’ll make this request FX based because I feel like the OT has lagged behind in this area.

A delay that can do reverse delay or pitch modulation like a tape delay or bucket brigade delay.

A richer chorus! one that can also do vibrato? I know you could make an LFO do something like this but I don’t think it’d be the same.

A reverb with modulation!

Basically could you just buyout Strymon and stick a mobius, timeline and big sky into the OT!??

That’d be swell thanks

It works well with the lfo designer. The delay even does tape wow and flutter with little effort in the lfo designer.

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All these can be made with a recorder and a Flex as “fx return”. Playback reverse, pitch modulation, pitch shift, feedback…
Fucked up example, to much feedback, I have to redo it…But it works!


But I like applying it in a live setting and just letting a sample play and tweaking parameters. But good points.

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Works with incoming signal in live conditions, and fx can be tweaked with certain pitch up / reverse limits…
A played sample as source can be tweaked without limits.
I’ll try to make more examples with your requests…


It would be nice if the wave in the LFO Setup page showed the LFO current value. For example this could be a blank pixel, a gap in the wave; there are 17 pixels available horizontally to draw the wave, just don’t draw the one corresponding to the current position of the LFO within the wave, and refresh often enough to show the movement.

Another aesthetic request, this one for the OCD users out there: fix the alignment of the characters in the text input dialog. The columns are all misaligned, the spaces between columns are not uniform.

Was thinking p-locked parameter/page randomisation could be fun. Could be a awkward key press though. I guess an alternative is randomise a page then lock the results after. Might try that.

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I think as a newbie to the OT the one thing that stands out is 64 steps. More pages would be nice to have.

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Yep, holding a trig then randomize trigs or scenes would be much better. Plock after works, not great. https://youtu.be/eW-t5YIhT2s

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Deleting a trig is quite destructive: all the locked param values are lost.
I’ve accidentally deleted trigs many times. Now with OS 1.4, it’s even easier to do so: if you hold down a trig intending to preview it, but let go before hitting Yes, then it’s gone. This can really put a dent in the melody you were working on :zonked:

My feature request is: if a trig has any plocks, pressing the trig button converts it to a trigless trig (instead of deleting it). The way to delete a trig with plocks becomes: trig+clear.

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Randomise page, until get desired result, hold trig, click 6 encoders, done - could be simpler though - randomise page, copy, hold trig, paste.


Feature request :
Stopped sequencer, hold a trig, page + yes to preview randomized trig…

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Video is blocked :frowning:

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Which it will slow down live step sequencing. The OT is a live set box it should be fast to input/remove trig.

Never happened to me, the OT never missclick and you could copy the sequencer or track before you edit it.
Also why bother so much for a Plock trig? You probably PLocked random values and surely you can make something else.
You’re working on a machine without a dedicated Undo button, there are pro and cons to that but if you don’t like it why you even own an OT?
Personal user errors don’t mean the device you’re using should be changed.

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I might accidentially hit an adjacent trig sometimes, especially when I’m a little tired already, but usually it’s no problem to just p-lock again… Always a good idea to copy the current pattern as safety meassure, though.

Maybe a simple trick for all kind of errors from user side would be an UNDO function without timing to go back at least one step before (3 would be great).


Do you know what would be cool? :smiley: Possibility to change default folder to save samples into. :crossed_fingers:

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It’s possible. In Personalize menu, you can choose project folder (PRJCT DIR) instead of AUDIO.