OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Geat, thank you, but it’s halfway there :slight_smile: As I work with multiple songs in one project I would like to choose a folder like project_name/track_01. But beggars can’t be choosers :slight_smile: thx!

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The line between user error and usability issue is blurry. Deleting a trig can remove quite a chunk of data (up to 30 plocks, sample lock, microtiming, etc), yet:

  • The action is the same as lock/trigless trig → sample trig conversion
  • It’s also a subset of most trig edit operations (and preview, as of 1.40)
  • No undo for trig deletion, unlike patterns

I use sample chains for drums, so having to re-find the right slice for an accidentally deleted trig is annoying. Not a huge issue, but annoying

But yeah, OT has a long history, so changing the default behavior for such a common operation probably won’t fly. The best I can hope for is a “fat fingers” mode :point_up:

Or, maybe a “studio mode” to enable a few behavior tweaks geared for non-live use of the OT.

Maybe a simple trick for all kind of errors from user side would be an UNDO function without timing to go back at least one step before (3 would be great).

5 auto-save slots, rolled over after 10 user actions. Let’s go :3lektron:!

I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but I still think a personalize menu option to enable a toggle mode for the function button and scene A/B buttons would be a great, simple quality of life improvement for people who use the OT with other hardware. That way you could access all of the function+button combos with one hand while tweaking other gear with your other hand. For scenes, press the SCENE A button once to select it, make all of your parameter changes for the scene assigned to SCENE A then press the scene button again to store your changes, press SCENE B to store your changes and switch to editing the scene assigned to B, press a TRIG button to save the changes to the current scene and immediately start editing the newly selected scene, or press NO to abandon changes.

I don’t think it would conflict with any existing button combinations for the MKI and it would make performance with the OT and other instruments more flexible.


When the Mixer page is open on the Octatrack, I find it slightly annoying that access is barred on the 5 parameter pages (below the display). You have to first press ‘MIX’ button again to exit the Mixer and then your desired other page shows up.

In other words the Mixer page is locked until you exit from it by hitting ‘MIX’ a second time.

For quick workflow, wouldn’t it be better to make these a ‘one press override’?

So if I’m in the Mixer page, I quickly could then click ‘Amp’ and see those parameters straight away, then go back to Mixer page by hitting ‘MIX’ again.



Quick mute mode does not give you access to headphone mix, DIR level and gain, but you can tweak parameters while muting and soloing tracks with the trig buttons. Also while holding function you can ‘cue’ several track mutes by pressing trig buttons - mute/unmute will only take effect after function is released

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instant pattern jump, you select a new pattern and it instantly switches, picking up in the same sequencer position.

then a pattern mode, just like mute mode, but 16 patterns available at once to mash up with you fingers. then a record mode of arranger to capture pattern mash ups live


Option for the Play button to restart sequence instead of pause
Pressing STOP first does not work well if the sequencer is already running and you’re running live inputs into tracks since the input is cut off immediately. It would also be very convenient to be able to easily sync all connected machines in this way if you accidentally stop one of them (not having to worry about pressing stop and play correctly).


Midi help, note B1:


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Yes someone told me in another thread, but I’m not going to connect a keyboard just for this :grin:

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Would be cool if that option was added.

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Hold notes option for Arp.


I dream of something like that. As a ‘performance sampler’, the OT has missed a couple of major opportunities, including for me the ability for tracks to retain their trig mode for switching around and quickly playing each track as it’s meant to be played.

It does have trig mode per track now… not sure what you mean?


Love the new 1.4 update so far! This machine is easier to work with than ever before!

I’ll Try and keep this short!

To give you an idea, I play a lot with the delay trig view during a jam and often switch to the midi side of things and trigger synths hooked up via midi with a few midi tracks on the OT.

Is it possible to have the trigs focus. say for instance stay on delay control mode with the sampler and stay in chromatic on the midi side of things?

I would like to post this suggestion again since I think it would make OT easier and much more fun to jam and compose with:

Drum/Sound Design Mode” (Trig Mode)
This mode would be like Slots mode but stores specific parameter settings for each slot. Or like Slice mode but stores specific parameter settings for each slice. This would be so helpful when playing the trigs directly/live and for composing. So each trig triggers the sample (like in Slot Mode) or triggers the slice assigned to it (like in Slice Mode) but also stores any assigned parameters to that specific trig/slot. Then you could make each sample/slice sound exactly the way you want by setting the pitch, rate, env, filter etc. for that trig specifically and even play them live. Actually when I got the OT I was hoping that Slots Mode would do this but any changed parameter applies to all slots which is not very intuitive and fun. It would save a lot of time since you could design each sound directly and hear it as you play it with the trigs or keyboard.


Kind of Soundpool?

I’d love to see an (optional) implementation of “switch and ramp” to declick discontinuities. Switch and Ramp is a declick method that relies on having known trigger times for possible discontinuities and in the Octatrack that is often the case, such as retriggering on a step.

here’s an explanation of it, with implementation in Max


Not at all. You seemed to know what I meant last time I posted it :grin:
It’s like treating each slot like it’s own track so that you can make separate parameter changes to each slot. Presently any parameter change is applied to all slots which ever one you press.
When you are P-Locking a trig you are basically doing what I mention here so it’s definitely possible technically.
Maybe it’s P-locked slots :grinning:
So slot 1 I want to keep as it is.
Slot 2 I want +12 semitones.
Slot 3 I want to apply some of fx 1 (say, filter) and also shorten the decay and so on.
Then I can trigger all these sound slots manually and record them with these settings.
See what I mean? It’s almost there actually.
Could maybe be done by holding a slot trig and changing a parameter…


MIDI track parameters in scenes, not CC messages but internal params like LFO rate/shape/depth and arpeggio type/rate/etc. would be great.


I don’t see why this would be any different to a sound pool (sound == sample + all sound shaping parameters and settings).