OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

I wouldn’t see it as a sound pool but if they are the same, fine with me.
I see it the way that the samples are already loaded into slots (flex/static list) and you then apply the parameters you want to each slot (e.g. by pressing and holding the slot trig while changing a parameter) to make it sound the way you want. If you could then save all these as presets in a sound pool - fine but that would require the addition of a sound pool. That’s not necessary I think. Just a Trig Mode where slots could be changed individually like I described.

The so called sound pool on other Elektron devices is first and foremost the in memory data structure which holds all the information about a sound. When you want to attach parameters to a “slot” you need exactly this kind of extended data structure. And these are not simple plocks especially when you want to change also setup parameters like FX type.

How this data structure gets filled and if there are save-to or load-from CF card functionalities (presets) is just a matter of GUI/usability.

IMHO it will require quite some effort to integrate something like this into the actual concept and GUI of the OT (especially the visibility, navigating and modifying these different settings).

Not sure to understand.
Isn’t it already possible?

I would like P-locks assignable to scenes.
And at least volume of MIDI tracks assignable to scenes.

Nope, no parameters on MIDI pages are able to be set on a scene.

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Sorry I misread you and forgot the term « scenes ».
Yes it?s been discussed plentyy of times on the forum, the implementation is risky and many people have proposed limited parameters to assign to scenes to avoid Midi chaos but so far nothing in sight.
It’s a bit strange to be able to mangle at the extreme 8 audio tracks in one scene and not be able to mute a Midi track…

Start position ‘follows playhead’ (centered) in audio editor “edit mode”, even while zooming and retaining slice length. The user could then playback a sample and listen, press stop and fine adjust start and end point.

Possibly so but as I said it is almost there. A p-locked trig is triggered by the sequencer and my requested p-locked slot is played manually so the difference is not that big.
Anyway, that is for Elektron to decide and I have send them the suggestion.

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Technically, this should be stored in parts, imho. Doesn’t seem easy to implement.

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Stay at last selected Trig Mode please.
I’m pretty much only using Quick Mute Mode and it should be unnecessary to have to chose it every time I start up OT


Request: HPF sidechain filter on page 2 of the OT Compressor FX would be a dream come true.

MD/AR/DT have it. Let’s get it into the OT. :slight_smile: :pray:


Still very new to OT, so I might be overlooking something, but it would be great to implement the pattern mode from the digitakt/digitone/model:samples (resetting parameters for each track and fx) as an OPTION.

The default mode (using parts) is good and I can see why is there, but it’s a bit difficult to remember that if you set a machine to point to slot 3 in a track on pattern 13 (just to make an example), it automatically changes all the references for the same track in the other patterns.

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What I want more than anything in the world is to be able to hit record on the arranger and perform my set. Then the arranger gets it and it’s saved.

Is. This. Possible. It’s all I want…


I wish that the ‘create linear locks’ option for slices would alter the micro timing too. Eg. Make some slices to fit the groove then have the trigs altered to fit.

Never going to happen but it would be nice…

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1000x. The OT would be useful for several uses it currently is not if it didn’t click and pop so much. 3 examples of clicking that pop in my head:

  1. PIPO loop mode (or generally looping at non-zero crossings)
  2. Gating a drone sound with a flex track with TTRIGs, pops like a mofo. Attack=1 destroys the transient - sounds like a mallet.
  3. Granular by various methods (e.g. lfo->strt)

Agreed (of course), I’m surprised this isn’t a more popular request, it would open up so many opportunities for sample mangling that can’t be done right now.

And Switch and Ramp is a low cpu impact implementation that’s optimized for exactly the kind of “changes happening on a predictable schedule” situations that the OT is build on. It wouldn’t eliminate all clicks, but it’d dramatically reduce 95% of them caused by sequencer events.

The algorithm itself is fairly simple but I’m not going to make claims about how hard it would be to implement, as it would affect almost everything the sequencer can do, big regression test surface there for the QA team.

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You could have a page of trigs that are all p-locked and sample locked in their own way and then you just play those trigs with trig + yes. Just think of all the pages and patterns. Endless p-locked trigs. On a somewhat related note, I’m amazed by how often I use the new trig+yes feature.

As well as have all tracks retain their last selected trig mode.

You can use sample locks if you want different samples for each pattern. Not ideal and ofc the playback, amp, lfo and fx settings are still held in the part, but with sample locks, each pattern can have its own set of samples.

Personally, I think parts/kits are vital for maintaining a seamless flow while you’re moving through the patterns.


Per pattern mutes like the digis,
func + track for green global mute
Pattern + track for purple pattern mute

Why only the digis? should be added to all Elektrons!
Global is better for performance but purple are better for building a track


Just realized I need mute groups! EDIT: but I also realized I could do that with scenes. Nothing is impossible with the OT…