OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

Rrroooooohhhhh! Nooo way!

I never thought i had to choose a mode for Midi mode as well!
Well i’m an idiot but thank you :wink:


I was thinking of a macro mode for the encoders.
So a page where you can map encoders to any parameter in any track. Perhaps a few overlays/banks to switch between.

I have come to terms with using an extra MIDI controller, but it could be nice, to be able to reduce the setup.

My problem: I’m setup with an Octatrack and a midi controller with 8 faders assigned to the 8 amp volume settings.

Currently if ever I’m switching scenes whilst also riding them volume faders that automation will record to that scene, which whilst you can work around by being super careful, is rather annoying. However…

My proposed solution: some sort of toggle setting to disable scene recording. Preferably global, I suggest it hide in the project menu > control > scenes

What does anyone else think? Is it just adding complexity for complexity sake? Who else thinks this could be really useful?

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This one would be HUGE for me:

Different MUTE OPTIONS per track (track settings menu)

EITHER a track mutes Audio as it currently does (when you mute a track manually)
OR a track mutes MIDI so the effects can still ring out for smoother transitions.


Yes, this is annoying, especially when sequencing a track with external midi. I doubt many people use external midi to set scenes or plocks.

I’d rather say trig mutes mode. It is the case in Arranger, so it must be doable…


Yes this audio/trig mute one has been asked before, but does not hurt to ask again, quite important IMHO, and definitely on a per track basis. Both modes are useful.

Even maybe have mute trig mode and mixer mute mode to mute audio, and func+track to mute trig as option, which would seem logical.


Yup, I think being able to change the default mute mode would be great…most likely I’d only use Trig/Midi Mute.

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Sometimes the cut is handy, but generally I prefer trig mutes too.


Why midi? Audio tracks mutes don’t need midi.

A mute with short fade out before fx would have been interesting too.

With trig mutes (as in Arranger), you have to check your Amp and loop settings carefully.

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I guess Trig mutes is what I meant :wink:

I would love to see a locking option for the projects, I always end up at 3am saving on my custom template… If someone has a tip to avoid that…

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Save as new, with incremental suffix for each new version?


Yeah, for my template I systematically Save as New first, and rename with the right date at the beginning (with a W letter before). And save again. A bit laborious before beginning.

I would prefer a template set as default project option!


That’s the way I go but once is enough to f*up everything. I’m quite a distracted person !

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To make a template backup!
Which I should do. :content:

I already messed my older template before. But with the last one, I systematically Save As New and save again (because you can’t reload original state otherwise).


I’ve done this multiple times…

Last time I messed it up real bad and had to mostly start the template again. After the rebuild it got saved as 2 second backup copies (named strategically to show up at the very top and get bottom of the project list).

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I would like an option for the MIDI LFOs to duplicate an audio track LFO so you could modulate external gear with the same parameters that you’re mashing up with the internal audio. Means you could do also do a sneaky but limited scene control to MIDI stuff too.

Custom scales or at least more scales variations other than major and minor.

Could you elaborate? Audio tracks and midi tracks lfos are similar…you can control audio tracks with midi lfos, or modulate any Control Change of external gear…

Edit @Lorentzian ?
(Just want to try impossible things)

Sequencer/trig level mutes as mentioned above. Like the Digitakt