OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

just few that came to my mind after hours with OT

-New Midi Machine to control Internal Audio Tracks Parameters,scenes,fader…
-Track Select buttons switchable to act as Mute (FUNC+ Track button act as select then)why not this way keyboard can be use for something else…

-Track Parameter Randomize improvement,HOLD Track Paramter Page Button +Select desired parameter(same as locking in SCENE) to be randomized by pressing corresponding knobs, then press YES to Randomize,could be also an extra settings for deviation %,MUCH BETTER!
i feel is too hard to get something interesting when randomizing all at once.

-Scene copy+random
HOLD Scene + PRESS oposite Scene button - ALL locked parameters from all pages and all tracks are locked and randomized in opposite Scene(basicaly quick copy but with on the fly algo)
If oposite Scene have same scene # assign then do nothing or just randomize all locked params

There could be randomization or other algos xor,or,and,sub,div etc ,with range settings(int value) and resault wraping (for when calculated from unipolar or bipolar range ,resault goes to negative or over 127 value)

-Pattern select latch option in PERSONALIZE menu

-Track level controls Cue level offset (Cue level PRE/POST)

-Incoming Midi CC for Fill in,Track length/divider,LFO Wave/Trig,Trigs Nudge,Audio Track sample change(NEXT/PREV)

-extra 4 Audio Outputs mod

-Banks with configurable Parts amount and Patterns amount,for example 8 Patterns and 8 Parts in a Bank instead of 16-4,or maybe user defined,and selectable Part number from keyboard while holding down Part button,could be great!

best regards

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Welcome. Internal midi routing would be great. That said Midi loopback works perfectly as long as midi track channels are shared with audio tracks channels.

And yes, midi messages for FILL, Part changes, certain setup parameters…

Workarounds for that. If you lock parameters with 2 scenes, same value, they have priority over randomized track parameters, and these parameters are not affected.

With the same principle, lock parameters with scenes on scene A, randomize page : it’s as if you’d randomize scene B.



ok, but then midi ports are used right?
plus i am guessing that going thru midi ports first out and then in can bring lag if more data passing…

i thought it thru and i change idea to:

HOLD Scene + PRESS oposite Scene button - ALL locked parameters from all pages and all tracks are locked and randomized in opposite Scene(basicaly quick copy but with on the fly algo)
If oposite Scene have same scene # assign then do nothing or just randomize all locked params

There could be randomization or other algos xor,or,and,sub,div etc ,with range settings(int value) and resault wraping (for when calculated from unipolar or bipolar range ,resault goes to negative or over 127 value)

Randomize all params was my silly idea,better randomize params only you choosed,

playing one scene and making QUICK copy+random to other scene

best regards

Midi loopback is limited, you can’t control other synths on different channels than audio tracks, unless you filter events with a midi processor, and you need a merger to control OT externally.

But you can send back Clock/Transport via the midi Thru.

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I wish CUE and Mutes weren’t global as it can create a real mess, especially switching to a new Bank. At least, being able to plock Cue would be a workaround.

The same way, i’d like a possibility to start with Scene A automatically on 1 and B on 9. If i jam and forget to reset them, it’s a mess when playing that bankafter another one.
On a general fashion, i’d like more control on how to organize sets (samples management, scenes, Cue, Midi tracks levels, …)

Didn’t check if this was requested already. I wish OT had tempo per bank setting (instead of only global and tempo per pattern. That way I can treat a bank like a song and a project like an album. I wouldn’t have to remember all the tempos of each song or change each pattern’s tempo if the song tempo changes.

Anyone got a workaround for this?

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Set your first pattern in a bank to tempo per pattern and desired tempo, then copy paste to others?

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Doesn’t let you change the tempo easily after a song (several patterns) is made. Would have to individually change each pattern’s tempo.

I would love Elektron to make the cardstools a bit more useful Especially with features like moving bank across projects.


Step record like what was recently added to the Digitakt, as well as a mixer like the Digitakt possibly accessed by double clicking the Mix button.


Fade IN and Fade OUT of Mute/UnMute

A more convenient way to save/attribute sample slot. I wish it would be doable on the fly and autoload the recording instead of having to name it right away, save, select the machine, the slot…

Also the ability to play the sequencer from any step onward, at least from any page. It’s really slowing down the workflow to have to listen from step 1 again and again when a track is at 60 bpm 1/8 and you want to set something on the last page.

Any clue about a potential firmware update coming?

Step record is fucking sick. Want this on OT

When in AED window, I want CUE button to do same as FUNC + YES to free up fingers and allow adjusting positions without snapping to zero crossings

Sorry i don’t have a DT, what is step recording?

Yes I kind of agree, however I think the multiple use cases deem this somewhat necessary from an OS point of view.

It would be great to have a few options for project defaults to choose from though when starting a new project. It would save the need for creating project templates.

A mode that lets you place trigs in steps while having access to keyboard. Kind of like OP-Z if you know that one.

DN manual:
0. 10.2.6 STEP RECORDING MODESTEP RECORDING is a quick and straightforward method of placing trigs on the sequencer. In this re- cording mode, you insert notes by pressing the [TRIG] keys or an external MIDI controller. The sequenc- er then captures the note and automatically advances to the next step. There are two different modes available, STANDARD mode and JUMP mode.STANDARD mode

  1. Press[T1–4]toselectthetracktowhichyouwanttoaddtrigs.Agreen[T1–4]keylightindicatesthe active track.
  2. Press [RECORD] + [STOP] to enter STEP RECORDING mode. The [RECORD] key starts to double-blink red. (Press [STOP] twice while keeping the [RECORD] key pressed to toggle between STANDARD and JUMP mode).
  3. Press a [TRIG] key to select the active step to where you want to start to add note trigs. The active step is shown with a green [TRIG] key that double-blinks. (If positioned on an earlier placed trig, it inherits the light pattern of that trig). You can also use [LEFT]/[RIGHT] to select the active step or skip steps.
  4. Press [FUNC] + [TRIG] to display the chromatic keyboard and add a note trig to the selected step. The active step then automatically advances to the next step. You can use [UP]/[DOWN] to trans- pose the chromatic keyboard on the [TRIG] keys up or down one octave.
  5. To remove a trig or to add a rest (no trig), position the active step on the trig that you want to remove or add a rest to, and then press [NO]. The active step then automatically advances to the next step.
  6. To add a parameter lock to a trig, press and hold a [TRIG] key, and then turn the DATA ENTRY knob that controls the parameter you want to lock and set it to the desired value. The graphics become inverted for the locked parameter, and the locked parameter value is displayed. The [TRIG]key of the locked trig blinks red (for note trigs) or yellow (for lock trigs) to indicate that the trig now contains a parameter lock.
  7. Press [RECORD] to exit STEP RECORDING mode.

Is it like auto punch recording in a DAW that records only the portion you select?
If not i’m not sure to see the difference with the live recording as you can record live with the use of keyboard.

With live recording, the record head is constantly moving and you need to hit the notes at the right time (quantisation can help there, of course) to enter them. The step modes are more like some Roland sequencers where the record head is frozen on certain steps waiting for your input, so you hit a note, which is added to that step, and then the sequencer automatically moves to the next step so that you can quickly hit another note or enter a rest, and so on and so forth. The jump mode is similar to that except you can define how spaced out the the trigs will be, such as enter a note on step 1, then automatically skip to step 5, etc. Personally, I just use the grid or live modes

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Ok now i get it, that’s like an improved auto punch.

Thanks for the explanation!

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