OT Feature Requests Thread (active)

8 and 12 bit flex and recorder format,or perhaps variable

best regards


Save and load .mid midi files.

  • Locking project option
  • Independant semitone pitch in the AED
  • 3 band decent equalizer (ok I’m dreaming)
  • Bank copy/past
  • Probability for an entire track and not just per trig, and now that I’m there, random trig generator ?
  • Would be nice to have some fading option (envelope kind) when relooping or retriggering a sound to be able to “scan” a sample smoothly without clic. Mutable Instrument Cloud like.

Another vote for a way to mute/unmute track trigs (not the audio) to allow for on time performance transitions, fx trails, and all that nice jazz. Ideally per track you’d have a MUTE: Audio or MUTE: Trigs setting.


I could live with just trigs being able to be muted per scene.


here’s something I would love to be able to do: reloading multiple pages by holding them at the same time (ie. reloading or clearing both the FX1 page and the FX2 page).


Chain Behavior to have also option(only in NORMAL scale mode) to do not restart track after PLEN,2/16,3/16,4/16 … when changing pattern ,but simply to play next pattern tracks from current position,sort of crossfade between patterns instead of switch


I want Direct Jump on my Octatrack :boom:


Temporary save and reload would be my #1 along with mute modes to allow for fx tails.


Hey yall - curious.

Is there a way to break the pattern length setting on the fly.

I’d like, for the most part, my patterns to change over after 64 steps. But sometimes, I’d like to fire off a random 1-bar fill pattern at the 48 (49th step).

As of right now, I only see having the pattern lengths set to 16 steps to make that happen. But I like the extra 3 bars to play with the pattern before it changes over.


TRACK LEVEL,CUE LEVEL settings stay despite part change and pattern change(with different part)
maybe an option in PERSONLIZE menu

i think this could be great option when you are using external controller,because you can change patterns and parts and
you will be sure that TRACK LEVELS are exactly like you set it on controller despite changing part or pattern

best regards

-seperate CUE PAN pot,maybe in AMP page -this would allow to have two separate effects on cue l and cue r and with pan pot to fade beetween
-adjustable CROSSFADER curve ,obvio…


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I’m only a week old to Octatrack Mk2 (although I also have DT/DN and used to have samples/cycles) and the big wtf’s for me so far are:

  1. Realtime trig length recording - yes we can go in and manually adjust trigs after recording but it seems such a weird thing to be missing. It’s realy breaking my head.

  2. No ability to move the mutes to pre FX so that reverb/delay tails happen. It’s so abrupt!

  3. Only an octave either direction seems a bit…

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Turn the metronome into a ‘basic’ monophonic 8bit synth engine. :innocent:

compressor side chain with sources as t1-8 ,in AB CD and CUE

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The new octatrack MKIII should have separate output. This is my main pain with the OT.
Really every time i turn on the machine or i’m ready to record i have this naughty though of unhappiness because i bought gears to be dawless. but if you need to record every tracks one by one and to rebuilt your tracks in logic or live it’s really boring.
i like jam session, this is my way and for something you paid 1500e you can have direct output + fx output. i don’t care about overbridge. i want my separates outputs!!!

octatrack noob here. for goodness sake please fix the mutes so it mutes the trigs rather than the entire audio chain!!!


You can set some trigs to FILL so they play only in fill mode.

too long to tweak LFO editor while things should be, SIMPLE.

  • plz (also) add BEATGRID on sampled content : it will be 100% DAWLESS. (beat detection detects looped content & numbers like 123_xxxx in the sample name, it needs DAWLESS, no Ableton LOOPS !)

It’s an LFO editor, I don’t understand how you expect this process to be simplified. The OS is 12 years old at this point, I would not expect or demand any fundamental changes like that.